Application of liquid glass mixtures with reduced content of liquide glass as a factor in improving the quality of machine-building castings
liquid glass, molding sand, computer-integrated technology, ridge analysisAbstract
Possibilities of substitution of molding sand with conventional amounts of liquid glass as binder by mixtures with a low content of liquid glass are studied. The possible variants of formulations are analyzed and physical and mechanical properties of mixtures are simulated. In the example of optimization of mixture composition of liquid glass with a high-performance hardener it is shown that the optimum composition of molding sand can be found using a ridge analysis of mathematical models " composition – properties"
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Copyright (c) 2016 Павел Сергеевич Зинченко, Марина Петровна Аксененко, Алёна Владимировна Йовбак, Юлия Владимировна Орендарчук
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