The influence of polymineral's composition on the dissolution of salts and hydrodynamic properties of precarpathians salt deposits




polymineral salt, karst, pore content, "salt mirror", filtration, gypsum-clay cap


On example, step by step gradual dissolution of the salts minerals with different chemical composition and with varying degrees of solubility on a reasonable basis is shown the increase of the permeability of salt deposits due to inhomogeneous leaching of minerals. Gradual leaching of polymineral salts, when the first was leached kainite and other readily water-soluble salts forms on the first phase of karsting the unstable porous medium

Author Biography

Василь Іванович Павлюк, SOE RSI «Halurhiya» Fabrychna str., 5a, Kalush, Ukraine, 77300

Higher Senior Officer


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Geological Sciences