Features of weed infestation in agrocenoses of spring barley and potatoes depending on the application of herbicides


  • Іван Антонович Шувар Lviv National Agrarian University V. Velykogo str., 1, Dubliany, Ukraine, 80381, Ukraine
  • Ганна Михайлівна Корпіта Lviv National Agrarian University V. Velykogo str., 1, Dubliany, Ukraine, 80381, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5395-3230




actual and potential weed infestation, herbicides, weeds, agrophytocoenosis, productivity, spring barley, potatoes


The number and species composition of segetal vegetation are established in crops of spring barley and potatoes during their growing season for the 2014-2016 years. The potential reserves of weed seeds in the arable (0-30 cm) soil layer depending on the use of herbicides are investigated. The effect of herbicides on productivity of test crops in the agrocoenosis of western forest steppes of Ukraine is revealed.

Author Biographies

Іван Антонович Шувар, Lviv National Agrarian University V. Velykogo str., 1, Dubliany, Ukraine, 80381

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

The department of technology in plant

Ганна Михайлівна Корпіта, Lviv National Agrarian University V. Velykogo str., 1, Dubliany, Ukraine, 80381

The department of technology in plant


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