Research of methodological provision of material incentive for the activities of innovation and technological development




innovation and technological development, material incentive, graph theory, profit share, model


The article defines the nature of income, expenses and profit from the activities of enterprises for innovation and technological development; feasibility of establishing the net profit within their fund, out of which consumer share is to be used as bonus payments for employees. It is suggested to use the graph theory for providing the efficiency of innovation and technological activities in manufacturing enterprise. Methodological provision is grounded for calculating bonus payments for employees of enterprises ensuring innovation and technological development

Author Biographies

Irinа Cherevan, Kyiv University of Market Relations Bereznyakivs'ka str., 26-B, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Marketing and Management

Lidya Plotnikova, Kyiv University of Market Relations Bereznyakivs'ka str., 26-B, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Marketing and Management


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