Theoretical substantiation of the zone action of the device for the solanaceae pest culture collection




pest collection process, pest collection device, device coverage area


It is determined that the main factor that influences the process of pest control in an environmentally friendly way using pneumatic devices is the design of the working body of assembly machines. An improved design of the pneumatic-type device for the collection of pests is proposed. Area of the device for collecting solanaceae pests is theoretically investigated. Three characteristic plots of changes of pests’ number that are under the influence of a device for collecting pests have been established and their values have been determined

Author Biographies

Vladimir Onopa, Central Ukrainian National Technical University Universytetskyi ave., 8, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine, 25006

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Dmitriy Artemenko, Central Ukrainian National Technical University Universytetskyi ave., 8, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine, 25006

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Roman Bakal, Central Ukrainian National Technical University Universytetskyi ave., 8, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine, 25006

Department of Agricultural Engineering


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Technical Sciences