Magnetometry of ukrainian shield haisyn block enderbites




enderbites, distribution of magnetic susceptibility, anomaly magnetic field, pyrrhotite, magnetite


A detailed study of the geological structure of the Ukrainian shield (US) is relevant. After all, detailed mapping is the next step in the search and identification of minerals, which is extremely necessary for our state. In the paper it is found out how with magnetometry it is possible to map the relict bodies of enderbites in the size of several dozen meters in the high-metamorphosed Precambrian foundation of the US Haisyn block. Magnetic scanning of several openings of enderbites is performed and magnetic properties of selected samples of enderbites are studied. A qualitatively interpretation of anomalous magnetic field are made based on the obtained data

Author Biography

Mariya Resetnyk, National Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Bogdan Khmelnitsky str., 15, Kyiv, Ukraine., 01601

PhD, Senior Researcher

Department of Geology


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Geological Sciences