Forced abolition of state registration of legal entity after presentation of executive power organ as mean of administrative responsibility


  • Аліна Петрівна Нікітіна SEGI TNU the name of V.I. Vernadskogo of street Liza Chaykinoy 80, Sevastopol, Ukraine



executive power, forced abolition, administrative responsibility, executive power organ presentation


The area of imperious credentials of executive authorities  is examined in relation to initiator of stopping of legal entity. Administrative–legal relations between the public authority and legal entity in relation to which a decision is accepted about the forced liquidation are characterized.

Author Biography

Аліна Петрівна Нікітіна, SEGI TNU the name of V.I. Vernadskogo of street Liza Chaykinoy 80, Sevastopol

Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor

Department «Jurisprudence»


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