Thermodynamics estimation of copper plasma efficiency from secondary raw material
copper, recycled materials, plasma, refining, impurity, Gibbs potential, thermodynamic assessmentAbstract
The results of the thermodynamic evaluation of oxidative plasma copper refining efficiency recycled from impurities present in the feedstock are shown. It was established that the type of impurity factor increasing the efficiency of the plasma refining the potential change of Gibbs varies from 1,4 to 4, 8, and for silver, and of gold there is a transition from an unlikely to real positive state.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Віктор Сергійович Козьмін, Іван Федорович Червоний, Віктор Миколайович Бредхін, Ольга Василівна Циганкова, Вадим Миколайович Міхайлін

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