Refinement of the concept "maximally contaminated part of the of the water flow" in the task of allowable discharge calculating of wastewater into watercourse


  • Николай Игоревич Адаменко Kharkovsky National University after V. N. Karazin Sq. Liberty, 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61022, Ukraine
  • Олег Аскольдович Проскурнин NDU "Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems" st. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



wastewater, most polluted part of the flow, monitoring section, distribution density, allowable concentration


The problem of formalizing the concept of "maximally contaminated part of the water flow" in the task of allowable discharge calculating of wastewater into watercourses is considered in the article. It is proposed to consider a neighborhood of point of extreme pollution, which gets a specified percentage of the substance coming from the source of contamination, as the most polluted part of the flow. An example of the use of proposed approach to the problem of calculating the allowable discharge of wastewater is given.

Author Biographies

Николай Игоревич Адаменко, Kharkovsky National University after V. N. Karazin Sq. Liberty, 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61022

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Higher Mathematics. OI Akhiezer

Олег Аскольдович Проскурнин, NDU "Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems" st. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Senior Research Fellow

Laboratory formation, regulation of water quality and environmental management information support


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Technical Sciences