Analysis of the leading components of the transport branch production environment


  • Олена Миколаївна Крекотень Pirogov Vinnytsya National Medical University, Pirigova, 36, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 21018, Ukraine



working condition, safety engineering, workers, enterprises of different ownership forms


The reliability and efficacy of a man's working activity and his functional state much depend on structural features of the serviced equipment, technological processes and organization of production. From the advent of organizations of different types of ownership the issue of possible impact of this factor on the leading components of the manufacturing environment and the health of workers employed in this branch.

Aim. To learn and analyze of the leading components of the transport branch production environment that influence on a workers’ health.

Methods and materials. According to the results of the public opinion poll the leading components of the production environment (safety engineering, working conditions and organizational) of workers of the transport branch at enterprises of different ownership forms have been analyzed. Sampled populations of the main and control groups were formed which analysis provided verification of the suggested hypotheses.

Results. The analysis of the leading manufacturing environment components of the transport branch has revealed significant dependence of their levels on the type of ownership of the enterprises, functional purpose of vehicles and location.

Conclusions. The comparative analysis was performed according to the criterion of the enterprise ownership form in two regions of the country. It has been established that worn-out and out-of-date equipment increases problems related to safety engineering manifold, makes working conditions worse increasing the risk of their influence on the health of people employed in the transport branch and the organization-management component considering bad managerial skills becomes an aggravating factor for the foregoing ones

Author Biography

Олена Миколаївна Крекотень, Pirogov Vinnytsya National Medical University, Pirigova, 36, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 21018

Associative of professor

department of Public Health


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