The history of professional obstetrical care in bukoviNa (second half of the XVIII – 70 years of the XX century)


  • Крістіна Василівна Парайко Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University st. Cathedral, 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58000, Ukraine



obstetrics, maternity, obstetrical school, Northern Bukovina


The peculiarities of obstetrical care in the new conditions are traced in the article; obstetrical school activities and opening of maternities, transition from help of rural midwives for mothers to qualified healthcare are considered. The change in the structure, number and qualification of medical personnel in accordance with the requirements of the time are described. Based on of archival data it is described three periods obstetrical service of Northern Bukovina

Author Biography

Крістіна Василівна Парайко, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University st. Cathedral, 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58000

Postgraduate student

Department of ethnology, ancient and medieval history


Derzavnyj arhiv Chernivec’koi oblasti: 1.1 F.13. – Op. 2. – Spr. 228. – 4 ark.; 1.2 F.14. – Op. 2. – Spr. 253. – 204 ark.; 1.3 F.19. – Op. 1. – Spr. 48. – 61 ark.; 1.4 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 532. – 9 ark.; 1.5 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 681. – 3 ark.; 1.6 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 299. – 18 ark.; 1.7 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 803. – 23 ark.; 1.8 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 487. – 18 ark.; 1.9 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 18. – 9 ark.; 1.20 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 709. – 17 ark.; 1.21 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 536. – 7 ark.; 1.22 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 536. – 45 ark.; 1.23 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 396. – 21ark.; 1.24 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 824. – 3ark.; 1.25 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 813. – 5 ark.; 1.26 F.286. – Op. 1. – Spr. 862. – 13 ark.; 1.27 F.P-6. – Op. 1. – Spr. 12. – 22 ark.

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