The hiistorical circumstances and preconditions of the reestablishment of Poland's independence in 1918


  • Валентин Вікторович Гайдай National pedagogical Drahomanov university st. Pirogov, 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine



Poland, First World War, society, state formation, politics, October revolution, revolution, historiography


 In the article on the basis of analysis of scientific literature is revealed an attempt to investigate reasons and circumstances of reestablishment of state independence of Poland in November in 1918, to trace basic factors that influenced on reestablishment of the Polish state. It is revealed a historical connection of the investigated events with history of the state and laws of Poland.

Author Biography

Валентин Вікторович Гайдай, National pedagogical Drahomanov university st. Pirogov, 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Graduate student of department of history and archaeology of slavs


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