A child in a state of shock in emercency department: classification, mechanisms and treatment


  • Равіч Maрцін Warsaw City Children's Hospital 43 Kopernika str., Warsaw, Poland, 00-328, Poland
  • Володимир Андрійович Пайкуш West specialized children's medical center 27 Dnisters'ka str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79031, Ukraine




children, chest age, shok, mechanisms of development, treatment, sepsis, emergency department


Paediatric shock is a life-threatening condition that can often be difficult to recognize in the emergency department, especially in early stages. Once recognized, the emphasis of therapy is to correct cellular metabolism and gas exchange by increasing oxygen and other substrate delivery to tissue beds. This review discusses various mechanisms and aetiology of shock are discussed, among them hypoxia in infancy, hypovolaemia, impaired distribution, obstruction of the cardiac outflow and sepsis.

In septic shock providing oxygen, improving tissue perfusion through restoration in the intravascular volume, augmentation of cardiac output, preservation of kidney function, and administering antibiotics in a timely manner have all been shown to significantly improve outcomes in children. Simple  algorithms for first aid in emergency room are given, emphasizes the importance of effective surveillance and timely recognition of this disease process, to significantly reduce morbidity and mortality. The review indicates how to identify specific markers of septic shock, lays out the essential components of goal-directed therapy, and ways to avoid the devastating consequences of shock in paediatric patients

Author Biographies

Равіч Maрцін, Warsaw City Children's Hospital 43 Kopernika str., Warsaw, Poland, 00-328

MD, professor

Deputy chief physician on medical part

Володимир Андрійович Пайкуш, West specialized children's medical center 27 Dnisters'ka str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79031

Candidate of Medical Sciences, anesthesiologist


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