Mri of the cervical spine in children of junior and preschool age in the normal state and after trauma
cervical spine, MRI, norm, trauma, junior children, preschool childrenAbstract
Aim of the work. To define the special features of the radial anatomy at using MRI in children of the different age groups and also to fix the sings of lesion of the cervical spine at traumas.
Materials and methods. For studying the normal anatomy there were analyzed the archive data of MRI-examination of 112 children 4 days – 7 years old that underwent examination in KRCH diagnostic center and had not clinical signs of the cervical spine lesion. The main group of children that was used for studying clinical signs included 125 patients – 58 of them had traumatic lesions that were diagnosed by clinic and x-ray examination, 67 formed the group of comparison in which these lesions were further excluded.
Results. To establish the age-related special features of MRI-picture in children of the different age periods they were divided into 4 groups: 1 group (22 patients) – newborns to 28 days old; 2 group (31 patients) – 29 days – 1year old; 3 group (29 patients) 1–3 years old; and 4 group (30 patients) – 3–7 years old.
There were determined parameters that were specific for trauma and established equal correlations between such parameters and severity of the state of patients on the base of metric data.
Conclusions. So on the base of the received data there was detected that not all parameters are specific for making diagnosis of the cervical spine trauma, moreover the correlations were differ on intensity for the different age groups
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