Clinical and typological approach to prognostication of the special features of recurrent depressive disorder


  • Наталя Анатоліївна Байбарак State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" 46 Ac. Pavlova str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068, Ukraine



recurrent depressive disorder, clinic, clinical course, stages, phases, remissions, neurotransmitters, variants, prognosis


Aim. There was revealed a possibility to prognosticate the clinical course of recurrent depressive disorder (RDD) with the help of the study of premorbid structure, age of the beginning of disease, duration of the primary and final stage, number and duration of the phases and remissions at these stages, the syndrome dynamics special features.

Methods. There were selected 114 patients with recurrent depressive disorder (F33 за МКХ-10) who were examined by the clinical and psychopathological, anamnestic, catamnestic, analytic methods, and also the methods of mathematical statistics, factor analysis, mathematical modeling.

Result. There were determined the four clinical and typological variants of recurrent depressive disorder (RDD)- I. melancholic, II. anxious and melancholic, III. anxious and hypochondriac, IV. melancholic and dysthymic and apathetic. At analysis of these variants there were revealed the different provoking factors that preceded and attended the debut of disease. There was revealed the dynamics in the structure of the periods of improvement during disease. There was also determined the psychic state of patient in interphase period that was supplemented with residual affective symptomatology – “negative and positive affectivity” and it was the point of separation of these variants for favorable and unfavorable variant of RDD.

Conclusions. According to the results of research the recurrent depressive disorder is the disease with complicated clinical structure and heterogeneous clinical course. There were verified the four clinical and typological variants of recurrent depressive disorder: I. melancholic, II. anxious and melancholic, III. anxious and hypochondriac, IV. melancholic and dysthymic and apathetic (continual)

Author Biography

Наталя Анатоліївна Байбарак, State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" 46 Ac. Pavlova str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Department Clinical, Social and Child Psychiatry


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