The study of medical supplies used for the servicemen with battlefield surgical trauma within the context of marketing analysis
battlefield surgical trauma, efficient surgical health care delivery, marketing analysis, pharmaceutical marketAbstract
Aim. Further improvement of medical supplies system at providing of the optimal level of efficient surgical health care delivery for servicemen with battlefield surgical trauma.
Methods. A preliminary list of remedies was made accordingly to the retrospective analysis of hospital charts of servicemen who were treated in military hospitals. The range of medications used at the above-mentioned stage of treatment has been studied by the method of marketing analysis.
Results. The main development trends of the national market of studied remedies were examined. The share of both Ukrainian and international remedies was determined. Quantitative characteristic of medications on the market current structure was displayed and applied in normative documents.
Conclusion. The necessity of the national remedies range expansion has been proved; recently this question remains relevant at formation of the state defense order
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