Game forms of learning in formation of economic competence of the future managers of education


  • Тетяна Іванівна Бурлаєнко State higher educational establishment "University of management of education" Artema str. 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



менеджер освіти, економічна компетентність, навчальна гра, розвиток, навчання, формування, навички


In the article was elucidated the topical problem of using game in training managers of education that represent the process of forming economical competence in future managers of education using learning games that help the future specialists to gain experience of communication, active cooperation, the skill of condense and constructive speaking, assessing themselves and others, understanding others.

This article deals with the problem of formation of economic competency of the future managers using game forms of education. In the work was realized an analysis of literary sources and on its base was presented the author’s interpretation of the notions “manager of education”, “economic competence of the manager of education”, “formation of economic competence of the future manager of education”; there was elaborated complex of abilities, skills and qualities that form economic competence of the future manager of education; there was defined the content of game technologies that is necessary for forming economic competence of the manager of education.

There was revealed the meaning of game forms of learning in the formation of economic competence of the future managers of education. In the article was presented an algorithm of using game in training the managers of education that represents the process of formation of professional skills in the future managers of education using learning games

Author Biography

Тетяна Іванівна Бурлаєнко, State higher educational establishment "University of management of education" Artema str. 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Candidate pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Department of economy and management a personnel


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Pedagogical Education