Calculation of pressure drop of dual-flow plates in the regime of mobile gas-liquid layer


  • Геннадий Владимирович Тараненко Vostochnoukrainskiy national university of the name of Vladimir Dalya Central ave., 59-a, Severoonetsk, Ukraine, 93400, Ukraine



plate, drug, equation, hole, hydraulic, experimental, gas-liquid, regime, geometric, characteristic


As a result of the processing the experimental data to determine the pressure drop of dual-flow plates, criteria equations were obtained to determine the pressure drop of the gas-liquid layer on dual-flow plates. Plates were studied on model system «water – air». Free cross-section of plates was 16, 25 and 36 %, a diameter of the holes of plates was 0.012 m, diameter of the plates was 0.15 m

Author Biography

Геннадий Владимирович Тараненко, Vostochnoukrainskiy national university of the name of Vladimir Dalya Central ave., 59-a, Severoonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Associate professor, Candidate of technical science

Department mashinovedeniya and equipment of industrial enterprises


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Technical Sciences