Development of theoretical and methodological principles of stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy and the role of regional stratigraphic units (RSU) for creation of an international (general) chronostratigraphic chart (I(G)CC)
stratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, stage, regional stage, chart, scheme, time aspect, substrate aspectAbstract
Theoretical and application-oriented bases of a stratigraphy and a chronostratigraphy are for the first time explained in the article. The role of the regional stratigraphical units (RSU) in creation of International (General) chronostratigraphical chart (I(G)CC) (time scale) and creation of the stratigraphical (substrate) scheme is proved. It is defined that RSU combine two aspects - time and substrate. On the one hand they integrate even-aged deposits on lateral (material substance), and on the other hand they are the age equivalents of the substrate units of chronostratigraphical chart (on the basis of biostratigraphy)
Theoretical and application-oriented bases of a stratigraphy and a chronostratigraphy are for the first time explained in the article. The role of the regional stratigraphical units (RSU) in creation of International (General) chronostratigraphical chart (I(G)CC) (time scale) and creation of the stratigraphical (substrate) scheme is proved. It is defined that RSU combine two aspects - time and substrate. On the one hand they integrate even-aged deposits on lateral (material substance), and on the other hand they are the age equivalents of the substrate units of chronostratigraphical chart (on the basis of biostratigraphy)References
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