Structure of skeletal muscles after hypokinesia and physical loading of middle aerobic power


  • Serg Popel’ Precarpatian national university named after Vasyl Stefanyk Shevchenka str. 57, Ivano-Frankivsk 76025, Ukraine
  • Zenoviy Duma Precarpatian national university named after Vasyl Stefanyk Shevchenka str. 57, Ivano-Frankivsk 76025, Ukraine


Mots-clés :

hypokinesia, skeletal muscle, degeneration, physical load, regeneration, rat


In the article is shown that determined degree of destructive changes in skeletal muscles is in direct dependence on the term of hypokinesiа limitation. Application of kinesiotherapy intensifies the repair processes and substantially reduces the terms of renewal of structurally-functional properties of skeletal muscles after hypokinesiа.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Serg Popel’, Precarpatian national university named after Vasyl Stefanyk Shevchenka str. 57, Ivano-Frankivsk 76025

Associate рrofessor

Department of theory and method of physical culture and sport

Zenoviy Duma, Precarpatian national university named after Vasyl Stefanyk Shevchenka str. 57, Ivano-Frankivsk 76025


Department physical rehabilitation


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Biological sciences