Immunogenetic analysis of hybrid populations of the green frog complex pelophylax esculentus-ridibundus of the fauna of Ukraine


  • Iryna Kozynenko Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytskyst, 15, Kiev, Ukraine 01601, Ukraine
  • Elena Zhalai Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytskyst, 15, Kiev, Ukraine 01601, Ukraine


Mots-clés :

гібридний комплекс Pelophylax esculentus-ridibundus, імуногенетичні дослідження, ало-, ксенотрансплантація


For purposes of unravelling the development of the hybrid complex Pelophylax esculentus-ridibundus an immunogenetic method of skin transplantation was applied for assessing the variability of hybrids and parental species according to levels of expressed histocompatability. Animals from the different types of hybrid systems known in Ukraine were studied. For allodiploid hybrids dominance of genes of major histocompatibility complex of frog edible was established


Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Iryna Kozynenko, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytskyst, 15, Kiev, Ukraine 01601

Researcher, PhD

Elena Zhalai, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytskyst, 15, Kiev, Ukraine 01601

Researcher, PhD


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Biological sciences