Antiglaucoma pharmacotherapy: analysis of treatment regimens and efficacy indicators



Mots-clés :

primary open-angle glaucoma, the efficacy of pharmacotherapy, intraocular pressure, treatment regimens, antiglaucoma medicines


The purpose of this paper is to assess regimens administered for treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma in terms of their compliance with the Protocol of medical care to appropriate group of patients, as well as assessment of the therapy efficacy by the criterion of a degree of intraocular pressure reduction.

Research methods. The study was conducted on the basis of data received from outpatients diagnosed "primary open-angle glaucoma". 49 different variants of medicine combinations, consisting of one to three antiglaucoma medicines in the pharmaceutical form of eye drops were prescribed to patients from the subject group.

Results of the study. The eight most commonly prescribed regimens consisted primarily of first-line medicines for glaucoma pharmacotherapy. Five of eight subject regimens consisted in monotherapy and only three regimens consisted of two medicines. Also, we calculated a degree of IOP decrease in patients received the above treatment regimens compared with baseline IOP indicators, established at diagnosis stage. It was found that the most effective regimens were the ones containing Arutimol 0.5 %, or Azopt in combination with Taflotan. The study of distribution of regimens containing antiglaucoma medicines, depending on the POAG stage, demonstrated that patients with a stage I disease were administered monotherapy, whilst combined regimens were used mainly for treatment of patients with stage III POAG.

Conclusion. The results of the analysis allowed us to determine the most commonly prescribed regimens of antiglaucoma therapy, effective in reaching the target IOP, which consequently would be used for pharmacoeconomic analysis

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Olena Kryvoviaz, Vinnytsia National Pyrohov Memorial Medical University 56 Pyrohov str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21018

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, The Head of Department

Pharmacy Department


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Pharmaceutical Sciences