Rational choice of monotherapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus based on the pharmacoeconomical analysis


  • Tatyana Ivko National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Pyrogov str 56, Vinnytsya , Ukraine, 21018, Ukraine
  • Tamara Germanyuk National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Pyrogov str 56, Vinnytsya , Ukraine, 21018, Ukraine



Słowa kluczowe:

diabetes mellitus, retrospective analysis, monotherapy, cost-effectiveness analysis, sensitivity analysis


Research was conducted to scientific justification of rational choice of monotherapy diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 based on the pharmacoeconomical analysis. It has been found that the unit of efficiency was the cheapest in the scheme of the monotherapy with gliclazide and most expensive – in the scheme of the monotherapy with metformin.

Biogramy autorów

Tatyana Ivko, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Pyrogov str 56, Vinnytsya , Ukraine, 21018


Pharmacy Department

Tamara Germanyuk, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Pyrogov str 56, Vinnytsya , Ukraine, 21018

MD, professor of Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan

Pharmacy Department


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Pharmaceutical Sciences