The destruction of talents and social security


  • Błażej Balewski Wyższa Szkoła Kadr Menedżerskich ul. Zagórowska 3a, Konin, Poland, 62-500, Poland


Słowa kluczowe:

competency, talent, components of talent, talent management, the destruction of talents, social security


Assuming O. Spengler’s remark, criticizing the enlightenment theory of linear, cumulative progress encompassing the whole of humanity and all manifestations of human activity, to be justified, an attempt should be made to search for ways to ensure the optimization of the path of development. Investigating the authors of the future progress of Europe’s regions unification appears especially relevant. It requires incessant research in order to identify the determinants of progress, which are considered to include processes, structure, as well as human beings themselves, especially the one considered to be a talent

Biogram autora

Błażej Balewski, Wyższa Szkoła Kadr Menedżerskich ul. Zagórowska 3a, Konin, Poland, 62-500


Dean of Faculty of Economics


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