Kharkiv plant of self-propelled chassis – the producer of unique non-classic layout tractors


  • Alexander Kryvokon National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Frunze 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine


Słowa kluczowe:

tractorbuilding, self-propelled chassis, classic layout, tractor design, agriculture


The article is about the history of Kharkiv Plant of Self-propelled Chassis, producer of unconventional layout tractors – so-called self-propelled chassis. The information about tractors’ technical options and its models is highlighted. The facts about the creation, design and modifications of self-propelled chassis, their usage in different specific areas are uncovered

Biogram autora

Alexander Kryvokon, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Frunze 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Automobile and Tractor Building


Adolf, V. A., Vasernis, A. I., Libtsis, S. E., Serebrjakov, I. N. (1964). A short guide to a self-propelled chassis T-16 and DVSSh-16. Moscow: "Space", 264.

Libtsis, S. E. (1976). Universal tilled self-propelled chassis. Theory and calculation. Moscow: "Engineering", 216.

Kurganov, A. I. (1953). Bases for design calculation of the chassis tractors and cars. Moscow: State Publishing House of Agricultural Literature, 611.

1949–1952 years on Kharkov Tractor Assembly plant (KhTSSH). State Archives of Kharkiv region. Fund WF-5592, inventory №1.

1953–1970 on KhTSSh (later – KhZTSSh). State Archives of Kharkiv region. Fund WF-5592, inventory № 2.

USSR Author's Certificate №206932.

USSR Author's Certificate №233319.

A list of cases of permanent storage on the Kharkiv Tractor Plant named after Ordzhonikidze 1929–1961. State Archives of Kharkiv region. Fund WF-5652, inventory № 1.

A list of cases of permanent storage on the Kharkiv Tractor Plant named after Ordzhonikidze 1932–1970. State Archives of Kharkiv region. Fund WF-5652, inventory № 4.





