Health economics modern aspects in Germany


  • Maryna Korsunska Полтавский национальный университет имени Юрия Кондратюка пр. Первомайский, 24, г. Полтава, Украина, 36011, Ukraine


Ключевые слова:

social policy, health economics, Germany, social protection, health care, health insurance, healthcare industry


In this article, I researched contemporary experience and aspects of health economics in Germany. Considered the history of the formation of social policy in Germany and partly outlined the issues of health economics. Graphically depicted the system of public health and health economics institute. I recommended that further studies are needed to explore and implement German Practice in Ukraine and other European countries

Биография автора

Maryna Korsunska, Полтавский национальный университет имени Юрия Кондратюка пр. Первомайский, 24, г. Полтава, Украина, 36011

Кафедра туризма и администрирования

Библиографические ссылки

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