ARCHIV of Slob. herald of science and sport The journal includes articles which are reflecting the materials of modern scientific researches in the field of physical culture and sports Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture en-US ARCHIV of Slob. herald of science and sport 2311-6374 <p>Our publications use <strong>CREATIVE COMMONS</strong> open access copyrighted magazines.</p><p>Authors published in this journal agree to the following conditions:</p><p>1 Authors reserve the copyright of the work and transfer to the journal the right to first publish this work, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows others to freely distribute the published work with reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of this journal.</p><p>2 Authors have the right to conclude separate agreements for additional non-exclusive distribution of the work in the video material in which it was published in the journal (for example, in the workplace, in electronic storage or published as part of a monograph), provided that the link is before the first publication of this magazine</p> GENDER COMPONENT OF SELF-ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOLCHILDREN AGED 11-13 <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to study of the peculiarities of self-assessment of physical development of schoolchildren aged 11-13 in the gender dimension.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> a set of research methods was used to solve the set tasks: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization); psychological-diagnostic (E.V. Bochenkova's questionnaire "Self-description of physical development", S. Bem's test-questionnaire "Masculinity - femininity"); generally accepted methods of mathematical statistics with the calculation of arithmetic means.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> considers the peculiarities of the perception of their physical development of boys and girls 11-13 years, their gender identity (femininity, masculinity, androgyny) and identifies the impact of gender identity of students on the level of their overall self-esteem of physical development.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> the results of self-assessment of physical development and physical fitness of students gave us the opportunity to analyze the interdependence of the general level of self-esteem of students and their individual gender characteristics. It was found that the overall self-esteem of boys is influenced by more indicators than that of girls. Inflated self-esteem of physical development is mainly boys - representatives of masculine and androgynous psychological types.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> boys, girls, self-assessment of physical development, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, gender, physical education, physical culture</p> Tetyana Krutsevych Oksana Marchenko Liudmyla Pohasii Olga Kholodova Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 5 21 FACTOR STRUCTURE OF PREPAREDNESS OF YOUNG ATHLETES IN AEROBIC GYMNASTICS <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to conduct a multifactor analysis of the training of young athletes in aerobic gymnastics, to identify the leading factors and justify the planning of the training process of athletes in this sport.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> the study involved 20 athletes aged 7-9 years. Research methods: analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment and methods of mathematical statistics.</p> <p><strong>Research methods:</strong> analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment and methods of mathematical statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> the current state of the training process of young athletes in aerobic gymnastics has been studied and the specifics of this sport have been studied. The factor structure of training of young athletes of aerobic gymnastics is determined and 6 main factors are established. It has been experimentally proved and mathematically confirmed that the first and most important factor included indicators of speed and strength training and topping test in combination with anthropometric data. The obtained data coincide with the data of correlation analysis and indicate that in modern aerobic gymnastics the accuracy of movements should be combined with speed and strength training and anthropometric data.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> the results of factor analysis showed that when teaching the basic technical elements in aerobic gymnastics should focus not only on the spatio-temporal parameters of performance, but also on the speed-power aspect of their performance.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> aerobic gymnastics, factor analysis, young athletes 7-9 years old.</p> Liudmila Yusupava Inna Bodrenkova Tetiana Moshenska Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 22 32 EXPERT ASSESSMENT OF THE NEED TO IMPROVE THE MANAGEMENT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to determine an expert assessment of the need to improve the management of physical culture and sports at the local level, namely in the regions and territorial communities.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> expert survey by questioning in digital and correspondence format. To create an expert group, scientific and pedagogical workers were interviewed. 38 correctly completed questionnaires were received, which were filled in by 38 scientists (doctors of sciences, professors) from specialized institutions of higher education and faculties of physical education.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> an expert assessment was given by the statement included in the questionnaire, aimed at establishing the attitude of leading scientists to improving the management of physical culture and sports at the local level. On all claims, the experts expressed support for improving the management and use of research results. In this case, it is recommended to use the achievements of sports science as an important trigger for increasing the level of management of sports development.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> 97,4% (of which 81,6% completely agree and 15,4% rather agree) of the experts expressed that the level of management significantly determines the state of sports development and the quality of physical culture and sports services at the local level. 89,5% (50% and 39,5%) of experts agree with the statement that the level of management of sports development at the local level is insufficient. 95,7% (65,8% and 28,9%) of the respondents agree that there are significant reserves for improving the management of sports development at the local level. 100% of respondents (84,2% and 15,8%) support the opinion that sports science should be involved in improving the management of sports development at the regional and community level. 100% (81,5% and 18,4%) believe that the introduction of high-quality scientific developments into practice will improve the management of sports in the regions. As you can see, the opinion that the management of sports development at the local level requires significant changes and qualitative improvement was fully confirmed by experts.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> expert assessment, management, development of physical culture and sports at the local level, the use of research results.</p> Tatiana Dorofieieva Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 33 43 DETERMINATION OF THE CORRELATION DEPENDENCE OF MASTERING THE BASIC ELEMENTS OF RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS ON THE USE OF THE CLASSICAL EXERCISE BY GIRLS 5-6 YEARS OLD <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to establish the correlation between the basic elements of rhythmic gymnastics and special exercises of classical exercise.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> the research was carried out on the basis of the Complex Children’s Sports School No.1, Kyivskyi District (Kharkov) among girls 5-6 years old, going in for rhythmic gymnastics. The experiment involved 60 young athletes. 3 choreographers and 4 rhythmic gymnastics trainers were involved to establish the correlation dependence. Due to the fact that the research was carried out in groups of initial training of the second year of study, a 10-point assessment scale was applied. At the beginning of the study, the influence of classical exercise on the assimilation of the basic elements of rhythmic gymnastics was determined. In the end, a correlation was established between the elements of rhythmic gymnastics and special exercises of the classical exercise.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> in the process of using special exercises of classical exercise, the level of fulfillment of the basic elements of rhythmic gymnastics increased, such as: jump "Cossack" (t = 2,12; p &lt;0,05), balance "forward" (t = 3,57; p &lt;0,001), balance "attitude" (t = 2,68; p &lt; 0,01), turn "passé" (t = 2,21; p &lt;0,05), "wheel" (t = 1,72; p&gt; 0,05).</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> as a result of the research, the correlation relationship of the basic elements of rhythmic gymnastics with special exercises of classical exercise was determined.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> rhythmic gymnastics, basic elements, classic exercise, correlation.</p> Olga Riabchenko Aliiva Elmira Elkhan kyzy Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 44 54 DETERMINATION OF MODEL CHARACTERISTICS OF TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL INDICATORS OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED FEMALE SWIMMERS, WHO SPECIALIZE ON THE DISTANCE OF 50 METERS BY DIFFERENT STROKES <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to develop the model characteristics of technical and tactical indicators of highly qualified female swimmers, who specialize on the distance of 50 meters by different strokes.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> analysis of literary sources, timing, video filming, methods of mathematical statistics. The surveyed contingent consisted of participants of the final heats of the Swimming Championships and Cups of Ukraine at the distance of 50 meters by different strokes. The level of sports qualifications of the sportswomen corresponded to the titles of Master of Sports of Ukraine and Master of Sports of Ukraine of international class.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> the influence of indicators of swimming speed, tempo and «step» of the cycle of rowing movements on the result of overcoming the distance of 50 meters by different strokes by highly qualified sportswomen investigated; the most significant parameters of the technical and tactical skill of highly qualified female swimmers depending on the swimming stroke determined and their model characteristics developed.<br><br><strong>Conclusions:</strong> the influence of the indicators of swimming speed, tempo and «step» of the cycle of rowing movements on the result of overcoming the distance of 50 meters by highly qualified sportswomen has characteristic features depending on the swimming stroke. The most significant technical and tactical parameters in front crawl swimming is the speed on the segments «15 m - 25 m» and «45 m - 50 m», the tempo of the rowing movements on the sections «35 m - 45 m» (R is - 0,60, - 0,72 and - 0,72 respectively). In the backstroke swimming the result mainly depends on the fast swimming of the first 35 meters of the distance (R values are in the range of - 0,57 - 0,98), as well as the tempo values on the segment «25 m - 35 m» (R = -0,50). Efficiency at the distance of 50 meters by breaststroke swimming is influenced by the speed indicators of overcoming the sections «emerging - 15 m», «25 m - 35 m» and «45 m - 50 m», the tempo of rowing movements on the segments «emerging -15 m» and «15 m - 25 m», the ability to maintain a large «step» on the sections «15 m - 25 m» and «25 m - 35 m» (R at the level of values - 0,88, - 0,56, - 0,86, - 0,55, - 0,70, -0,79 and - 0,69 respectively). The result in the butterfly stroke mostly depends on the fast passage the underwater area and the second half of the distance of 50 meters (R within 0,58 – 0,86). The tempo and «step» of the cycle of rowing movements closely correlate with the final result on the second half of the competitive distance (R values vary from – 0,70 to – 0,97). Orientation on the developed model characteristics of the most significant indicators of technical and tactical skill of highly qualified female athletes, who have the different swimming specializations, will contribute to the improvement of training and competitive activity in modern swimming.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> sportswomen, 50 meters, swimming strokes, technical and tactical indicators, correlation, model characteristics.</p> Olha Pylypko Alina Pylypko Alina Shynkarenko Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 55 65 CLASSIFICATION OF ACROBATIC MOVEMENTS OF GROUP P - "PLATFORMS" AND THEIR VARIETIES IN ARTISTIC SWIMMING <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to classify and determine the methodology for constructing the technical value of acrobatic movements of "group P".</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature data, analysis of competition results, polls, methods of mathematical statistics. The competitive programs of the World and European Championships (2009-2021) and the Olympic Games (2008-2021) are analyzed.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> analyzing the performances of leading athletes at the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, from 2004 to 2021, we developed a diagram where we can determine what platforms are performed least of all in comparison with other groups. The next step we have combined the existing types of acrobatic movements of "group P" into a single table, forming the criterion for assessing the "area of support" or "value of the type of connection" (grip). In total, the value of 30 types of connections was calculated in the group P - "platforms". Taking into account all the data obtained, a matrix was built, an algorithm for calculating the technical value of the "group P". Based on the developed methodology for calculating the technical value of acrobatic movements, a unified table (scale) of the technical value of acrobatic movements of "group P" was developed - a platform where acrobatic movements were distributed in order from the easiest to the most difficult according to the calculated technical value.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> the data of our research made it possible to create the author's system of classification of acrobatic movements, sort it out in detail and develop a methodology for determining and calculating the technical value of 81 acrobatic movements of "group P". The obtained data became the basis for the development of a unified table of the technical value of acrobatic movements of "group P" in artistic swimming. Preliminary approbation of this system and their discussion at international seminars of specialists, coaches and judges of various qualifications in artistic swimming made it possible to make a number of clarifications, additions and improve the development of a classification system for acrobatic movements of "group P" and an assessment of their complexity.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> artistic swimming, classification, competitive compositions, acrobatic movements, platforms.</p> Anastasiya Petrenko Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 66 76 BADMINTON AS ONE OF THE MEANS OF HEALTH AND RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to assess the influence of badminton classes according to the health-improving and recreational program on the physical fitness and health of students.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> 13 female applicants for higher education of the second year of the Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture took part in the study. The health-improving and recreational program was implemented within 6 months. To assess its effectiveness at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, the participants were determined by anthropometric indicators (body weight, standing height, muscle strength of the hand), physiological indicators (vital capacity of the lungs (VC)). The assessment of the physical working capacity of female students and the effectiveness of their respiratory system was carried out using the tests of Rufier, Shtange, Genche. The level of their health was assessed according to Pirogova's method.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> the studies carried out confirmed the information of scientists about the unsatisfactory state of physical fitness and the level of health of student youth. The presented materials made it possible to state the positive influence of health-<br>improving and recreational classes using badminton means on the indicators of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the level of physical performance and physical health of girls.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> the results of the studies indicate that the indicators of body weight, standing height did not change almost, and indicators of hand strength, vital capacity of the lungs improved during the cycle of training sessions. The results of the conducted research testify to the improvement of the functional state and the level of health of the female students, who trained according to the health-improving and recreational program, which is based on the means of badminton.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> health, physical fitness, physical development, functional tests, Shtange's test, Genche's test, students, badminton.</p> Olga Sutula Anastasia Nevelyka Yuri Chucha Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 77 85 INFLUENCE OF CROSSFIT EXERCISES ON THE POWER ABILITIES OF HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to determine the influence of CrossFit exercises on the power abilities of high school-age children.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods:</strong> theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, and methods of mathematical statistics. Such tests as the lifting of straight legs hanging (number of times); bending and extension of hands lying on the floor (number of times); triple jump on the right and left leg (m) were used to determine the level of the strength development of the 10th–11th-grade pupils. The studied results were compared to norms and evaluated with a certain number of points. Statistical analysis: the research materials were processed using the licensed program Excel. The study involved 113 schoolchildren in grades 10-11.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> at the beginning of the school year, we conducted the stating experiment, according to the results of which it was established below the average level of development of power abilities in high school pupils. According to the results of the primary research, pupils were assigned to the main and control groups for further conducting the forming experiment. Pupils of control groups were engaged only in the generally accepted state program on physical education for the 10th–11th grades of general secondary education institutions, and the educational process on physical education of pupils of the main groups was supplemented by the variant module “CrossFit” developed by us. According to the results of researches obtained after the introduction of the experimental technique into the educational process for physical education, it was determined that in schoolchildren of the main groups, the level of development of power abilities increased from below average to above average. Changes weren’t found on the score scale in the test control groups. In the age aspect, there is mainly an improvement in results with age, both in the main and control groups (p&gt;0,05). In the gender aspect, it was revealed, mainly, the reliable primacy of the data of boys over the indicators of girls (p&lt; 0,05–0,001).</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> significant positive changes were revealed in the indicators of the level of the strength development of the 10th–11th-grade pupils of the main groups, after using the experimental technique proposed by us in the educational process on physical education.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> variable module, CrossFit, high school pupils, power, physical culture lessons, motor activity.</p> Anhelina Petrova Tetiana Bala Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 86 98 MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to highlight modern trends in the management of physical culture and sports in Ukraine on the basis of generalization of the scientific heritage of domestic scientists.<br>Material and methods: theoretical and practical research of domestic scientists, official documents, methods of comparison, synthesis, analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> in the context of our country's European integration, the norms and standards introduced by the European Union governing physical activity and sports should be adhered to, and a roadmap for the development of sports should be developed at the state level. There is a need to separate the field of sports at the legislative and organizational level, so in scientific circulation and in the legal field, in accordance with European law, it is advisable to introduce the concept of "sports" to describe the activities of sports organizations and other business entities physical culture and sports services and carry out activities in such areas as health physical activity, sports in education and training, mass sports and sports for all, high-achievement sports and professional sports. The concept of "physical culture" should be included in scientific and social circles to outline the activities of people related to the use of physical exercises. These issues should be regulated at the legislative level and appropriate amendments should be made to the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" and bylaws governing the field of sports.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> modern trends in the management of physical culture and sports in Ukraine are the transition to European standards, changing the mechanisms of state policy, decentralization of power, market development and improving the quality of physical culture and sports services through the introduction of state standards.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> physical culture, sports, sphere of physical culture and sports, sphere of sports, physical culture and sports organizations, management, decentralization, reform.</p> Anastasia Bondar Iryna Petrenko Oleksandr Tomenko Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 99 112 MIDDLE MOUNTAINS TRAINING OF HIGH-QUALIFIED VISUALLY IMPAIRED SPRINTERS <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> determine the impact of middle mountains training on the visual acuity and the level of preparadness of highly qualified visually impaired sprinters.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> we studied the indicators of the level of preparadness and visual acuity of the Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in para-athletics among athletes with visual impairmants in the middle mountains. The following methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of training loads and processing of parameters of training activity, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment (auto experiment), visometry, methods of mathematical statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> middle mountains training led to positive changes in the indicators of the functional state of the visual analyzer and the level of preparadness of athlete.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> the use of preparation of highly qualified visually impaired sprinter in middle mountains training positively influenced the development of the level of special preparadness and the visual acuity.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> middle mountains, special preparadness, visual acuity, visually impaired.</p> Leilia Adzhametova Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 113 124 PHYSICAL PREPARATION OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS AT THE STAGE OF PRELIMINARY BASIC TRAINING <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to consider theoretical issues of physical preparation of football players at the stage of preliminary basic training.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> in order to get acquainted with the state of the issue under study, an analysis and generalization of scientific, scientific and methodological literature, theoretical provisions on the physical preparation of football players at the stage of preliminary basic training was carried out. Analyzing scientific sources, the questions on the results of the study were considered: the use of means and methods of various orientations in the training of young athletes. The objectives and didactic purpose of the preliminary basic training phase were described. The place of physical training of young football players in achieving a sports result has been determined.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> it was found that the selective increase in training loads at all stages of sports training of children and adolescents is determined by the laws of the development of physical abilities. A high level and growth of development at a young age is assessed as a sensitive period and is fundamental for increasing the means of influence on a specific physical quality. Some researchers believe that the best sensitive period for the development of strength in young football players is the age of 13-15 years, others - 14-16 years.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> analyzing scientific sources, the following issues were considered based on the research results: the use of means and methods of various orientations in the training of young athletes. In organizing the training process of football players, it is necessary to take into account the high intensity of metabolic processes and the age characteristics of a growing child's body. The relatively low functional development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems with boys aged 13–14 significantly limits the ability to perform long-term intense loads. As a result of studying the literature, it was found that, in accordance with the playing role, all-round physical training (with an emphasis on speed and speed-strength qualities) of young footballers aged 13-14 is an actual scientific research.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> physical preparation; physical training; young footballers; preliminary basic training.</p> Dmitriy Khomitsevich Copyright (c) 2022 2022-02-11 2022-02-11 9 6 125 133