ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education <p style="font-weight: 400;">"<em>ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education</em>" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original research on lifelong learning.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The issues investigated in scientific publications cover the following areas:</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">- adult education,<br />- professional education,<br />- primary education,<br />- special education.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of such publications is to bring to a wide range of scientists and practitioners in the field of education modern developments aimed at implementation in educational processes to increase their effectiveness. In particular:</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">- in the direction of adult education – the formation of new skills and competencies in them for adaptation to the requirements of the labor market, which are rapidly changing due to information and technological transformations in society,</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">- in the direction of professional education – formation of students' adaptation capabilities to the modern requirements of employers,</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">- in the direction of primary education – correct orientation of students according to their abilities,</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">- in the direction of special education – creation of the most comfortable adaptation of people with disabilities in physical development to society.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">All the mentioned topics covered by the concept of continuous education can also be considered through the paradigm of distance learning.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The journal is published 4 times a year and has a worldwide distribution scope, without limiting the authors on any basis.</p> <p><a href="">ISSN 2519-4976 </a> (print), <a href="">ISSN 2519-4984 </a>(on-line) <br /><br />Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal «ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education» Editors followed the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics <a href="">(COPE)</a>.</p> en-US <p>Our journal abides by the Creative Commons CC BY copyright rights and permissions for open access journals.</p> <p>Authors, who are published in this journal, agree to the following conditions:</p> <p>1. The authors reserve the right to authorship of the work and pass the first publication right of this work to the journal under the terms of a Creative Commons CC BY, which allows others to freely distribute the published research with the obligatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work in this journal.</p> <p> 2. The authors have the right to conclude separate supplement agreements that relate to non-exclusive work distribution in the form in which it has been published by the journal (for example, to upload the work to the online storage of the journal or publish it as part of a monograph), provided that the reference to the first publication of the work in this journal is included.</p> (Yuliia Nikolaieva) (Yuliia Nikolaieva) Thu, 30 May 2024 12:01:45 +0300 OJS 60 Comparative analysis of the "human - AI" system <p>The article highlights the historical foundations of the emergence of information systems that led to the creation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of technological development processes, and provides definitions of key concepts. To better understand the essence of the article, through comparative analysis, the views of prominent contemporary figures on the development of artificial intelligence and the diversity of opinions regarding the application of innovative technologies are elucidated. The detachment from reality is observed in both optimistic and pessimistic forecasts due to the lack of scientific substantiation. The diversity of opinions is explained by the fact that most scientists focus on specific aspects (business, politics, physics, neurobiology), rather than on the specific technology of artificial intelligence. The article reveals the ambivalence of views of different groups of experts on the impact of the implementation of new technological processes. Sociologists, historians, and philosophers perceive these technologies with caution, assessing their impact on society and the individual, while companies developing new technologies often exaggerate their significance to promote their products. The right decision would be to unite many fields to achieve a common goal - creating the desired future of the "human-AI" system. Bringing together different sciences (philosophy, psychology, law, physics, mathematics, biology), exchanging experiences, and creating specialized organizations, institutes can help change the polarization of views and find answers to questions that have already arisen and may arise in the future. The activities of research organizations that will explore aspects of technological progress should perform a unifying function between opposing views, balancing the process of hybridization of the real and virtual worlds. The question of the impact of artificial intelligence on the future of humanity remains open. Fruitful cooperation between humans and machines looks promising and requires the correct setting of goals and regular monitoring of the process of this system, understanding the significance of new technologies. The author emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues, as the development of technologies is constantly growing and leaves no time for controversy</p> Ostap Zaluthets Copyright (c) 2024 Остап Залужець Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Analysis of the effectiveness of the methodology for designing a cloud-oriented distance learning environment for biology in informal education conditions <p>The article contains an analysis of research on the design of a cloud-oriented environment for distance learning of biology, teachers' experience in designing cloud-oriented environments contributes to the development of distance learning forms in general secondary education institutions and the widespread implementation of electronic tools in educational practice. When organizing distance learning in natural sciences, it is necessary to take into account the platform's capabilities and services for developing students' natural-science thinking, conducting observations, laboratory and practical experiments, implementing experimental tasks. The combination of cloud services and methods of distance learning in biology allows visualization of biological processes, the research-oriented nature of activities, organizing research projects on a single platform, using media resources, interactive simulators, integrating virtual content with the physical environment, and using programs for quality knowledge monitoring. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for teachers to design a cloud-oriented educational environment for distance learning of biology for students in informal education conditions, testing its effectiveness based on the results of evaluation using a factor-criterion model, and developing recommendations for improving the qualifications of teachers in designing cloud-oriented environments in informal education conditions. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied to achieve the set goal, involving the study of previous research in the field of designing distance educational environments and the integration of cloud services into the educational process. Mathematical statistical methods were used to analyze the results of the survey of teachers from the focus group. The effectiveness of the developed methodology was tested using a factor-criterion model, which includes four factors: organizational, methodological, procedural, and content. Expert assessment of the effectiveness of the methodology revealed that the effectiveness of designing a cloud-oriented environment for distance learning of biology by biology teachers in general secondary education institutions, who participated in the focus group, is 0.79, indicating a high level</p> Nataliia Vodopian, Svitlana Lytvynova Copyright (c) 2024 Nataliia Vodopian, Svitlana Lytvynova Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Organization of professional communication in social work <p>The article analyzes the key concepts of "communication" and "professional communication" from the point of view of an activity approach, because communication not only activates the consciousness of the subject, but also provides rational knowledge regarding the choice of social goals and means of their achievement. The specificity of the social work specialist's communicative activity is determined, which is aimed at changing individuals, groups and other social systems, at the development of one's own personality, colleagues and clients. The analysis of communication technologies taking place in social work is shown. The peculiarities of the communicative potential of social work, the improvement of the efficiency of professional communication, the identification of signs of communication in social work in the conditions of the information society, the identification of the most demanded mechanisms of interaction, the clarification of new functions and professional roles of social workers are analyzed. The need to update the principles and methods of communicative activity in social work, the approval of new communication technologies in accordance with the dynamics of social relations, the level of development of technical capabilities and the needs of modern society are substantiated.</p> <p>Special attention is paid to Internet communication, its advantages and limitations, problems and prospects of using the latest communication technologies are determined. Emphasis is placed on the system of social assistance, which does not always respond to the challenges of the times in a timely manner. One of the reasons for this situation is that the communicative potential of social work, which includes the development, adaptation, and implementation of various technologies for organizing professional interaction in social work, is insufficiently researched and used. New studies of the possibilities of organization and directions of development of professional communication in the activity of a specialist in the social sphere in modern conditions are considered</p> Mariana Hryntsiv, Igor Zubrytskyi Copyright (c) 2024 Mariana Hryntsiv, Igor Zubrytskyi Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Insights into teachers' training and professional development: introducing online technologies <p>The article deals with the problem of professional development of teachers and lecturers in Ukraine in today's challenging conditions. The authors of the article are representatives of the development team of the online course "Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Methodology" for educators. It is a product of the collective creativity of the Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration (MultiEd) project team, сo-working under the umbrella of the Erasmus+KA2 programme. The course is hosted on the Moodle platform of Zaporizhzhia National University; it is aimed at training specialists capable of adapting and implementing advanced teaching methods in the educational process of the New Ukrainian School. This course is designed for subject teachers, foreign language teachers in secondary and higher education, as well as educational institution leaders who understand the contemporary challenges of education in line with the demands of the job market and are interested in modernizing existing educational programs, improving teaching and learning methods, and implementing a culture of quality assurance in education. The course is developed in the Ukrainian and English languages; it is flexible in time and choosing subject themes to fill the gaps in knowledge. The article presents the stages of course development and implementation, description of its content and structural elements. The course was piloted in all UA universities, partnered with the MultiEd team, encompassing 583 participants, 466 of which successfully completed the course. This article focuses on the results of 194 participants’ training on the Moodle platform of Zaporizhzhia National University (March – November 2023), their progress, evaluation and critical remarks, and highlights the prospects of its use in the system of professional teacher training</p> Svitlana Zapolskykh, Natalia Nadtochii Copyright (c) 2024 Svitlana Zapolskykh, Natalia Nadtochii Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Towards gender equality: women’s leadership in higher education <p>This article aims to provide a systematic review of the scientific literature on women’s leadership in higher education. This study was conducted in April 2024. It was based on scientific articles, selected from the portal. The study employed a non-experimental research design. The representation of women in management and leadership positions in the higher education sector has increased significantly, yet this growth has been limited to academic roles with the requisite authority to teach. Management positions with greater responsibility have not seen the same level of advancement. The prevailing masculine culture that pervades higher education presents an impediment to women's advancement to senior management roles. This is attributable to a confluence of interrelated factors, including structural constraints, competitive job demands, demanding work schedules, and the necessity to balance work and family life. The situation is further complicated by the introduction of accountability measures and sophisticated evaluation instruments, designed to assess and accredit work processes, hyper-productivity, and continuous evaluation. Despite the growing focus on gender issues, the prevalence and intensity of negative gender stereotypes about women appear to be on the rise. The negative dynamics, observed in sociological surveys, can be explained by examining the current state of gender ideology, education, and public awareness within society. The observed trends in economic activity, employment status, and salaries of men and women do not appear to be driving significant changes in gender stereotypes or the socioeconomic status of women. In light of these considerations, it becomes imperative to examine the necessity of implementing a feminist approach to appointing managers and leaders within higher education institutions. It is important to acknowledge that the roles, duties, and responsibilities of leaders within higher education institutions may differ considerably. It can be reasonably argued that the styles of leadership, employed by male and female higher education managers and leaders, exert a profound influence over the nature of organizational cultures. It is of the utmost importance that each higher education institution conducts an assessment of its own to ascertain its current situation and the manner, in which its managers and leaders contribute to the overall organizational success. It is recommended that institutions of higher education implement policies that consider gender aspects, with the aim of enhancing the utilization of women’s potential for leadership. It is imperative to implement a gender-based assessment mechanism to ensure equitable competition between women and men in the selection process for managerial and leadership roles</p> Tetiana Khraban, Oksana Vyhivska Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Khraban, Oksana Vyhivska Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Media educational approach to forming information literacy of lyceum students in Ukrainian language lessons <p>The article describes one of the current educational problems - the formation of information literacy of students in the process of learning the Ukrainian language based on the media education approach. The approach to learning was considered as a basic category that determines the further direction of learning the native language and the choice of the method of its implementation in further school practice. The article specifies the definition of "information literacy". The task of media education for the educational process is defined. The importance of using media texts in the educational process was emphasized. The goals, set for information literacy, are indicated. Theoretical research methods were used, which helped to more thoroughly investigate the aspects of the media educational approach to the formation of information literacy of a young language personality. Within the framework of the media education approach, the types of educational works are described. The general trends of modern times in the aspect of development and integrated implementation of the media approach to the subject of school education, which positively affects the content of education, are taken into account. The vector of this research is focused on the works of Ukrainian scientists. The peculiarities of studying the Ukrainian language on the basis of the media education approach are characterized. The principles of the formation of information literacy of students in the process of learning the Ukrainian language are outlined, which can ensure effective interaction of high school students with the modern media system and information resources. A number of works by foreign researchers were analyzed in order to describe how to correctly implement the media education process in Ukrainian language classes. There are several methods that should be used within the media education approach. It is taken into account that the ability to use various technologies and media means in the educational process is a significant advantage and progress in pedagogical activity. The importance of the development of the teachers themselves in the direction of technology is emphasized</p> Svitlana Bainyashova Copyright (c) 2024 Svitlana Bainyashova Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Formation of professional competence in students of industry mechanical engineering specialties at chemistry tuition <p>The peculiarities of chemical education in training future specialists of the machine-building industry in the conditions of distance learning were considered. The need to update the content and quality of chemistry education based on a competency-based approach according to its structure was founded. A thorough review of the created distance course "1M Chemistry " and the algorithm for the formation of competencies in it according to Bloom's taxonomy, i.e. according to six main categories: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation were provided. The relevance of a purposeful, competent approach to the teaching of chemical material for the students of the Faculty of Mechanics and the importance of an emphasis in the distance chemistry course on the practical orientation of education, a combination of informational and problem-based methods of teaching the material were shown. Package of test tasks and calculation tasks of various levels of complexity were developed for the formation of the competence to analyze and evaluate. The role of independent work of students as a separate element of the distance course for the formation of higher-order cognitive skills that allow students to work at a creative level was proven. An analysis of students' assimilation of theoretical material and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to solve problems of different levels of complexity was carried out. A diagram of students' qualitative success according to different types of knowledge diagnosis was presented. The ability of students to establish the correspondence between theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it practically was assessed. Organizational and pedagogical conditions that allow the effective formation of professional competences when teaching chemistry in a technical university of a non-chemical profile were determined. The possibility of improving chemical education of students due to the development of educational and methodological materials in the distance course, which create an opportunity not only to form a system of subject skills and abilities, but also to carry out a qualitative diagnosis of the acquired knowledge in the discipline, was shown. Provision of effective teaching of chemistry based on new information and educational technologies and a modern strategy for effective training of qualified personnel were implemented</p> Lilya Egorova Copyright (c) 2024 Lilya Egorova Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Justification of the need to develop professional competence in future officers <p>The article examines the concept of professional competence and establishes that this concept does not have an unambiguous definition. In this regard, we decided to consider it as a basic characteristic of a personality. Professional competence consists of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow one to perform professional duties effectively and efficiently. It has been established that the professional competence of future officers implies the availability of a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective performance of military tasks and responsible decision-making in any conditions. It includes not only an understanding of military strategy and tactics, but also the ability to lead, manage personnel, make strategic decisions and resolve critical situations. The results of the analysis of the educational process of future officers of higher military educational institutions have shown that there are discrepancies between their training and the real experience they gain in full-scale military conflicts, in particular, in the field of engineering support of the National Guard of Ukraine. These discrepancies can have a significant impact on the life and health of military personnel. An empirical study was conducted to confirm the hypothesis that there are such discrepancies between the training of future officers and their actual experience in the field of engineering support of the National Guard of Ukraine. For this purpose, the methods of observation and survey were used. Based on the results of the empirical study, we can note that the training of officers needs to be adapted to modern realities and challenges. In order to achieve a high level of professional competence of future officers, it is necessary to introduce innovative technologies and teaching methods into the educational process. The issue of professional competence development is extremely relevant, especially in the context of future officers, since the security of our borders and the sovereignty of the state depend on their professional skills</p> Olha Yesipova, Evgenij Goncharov Copyright (c) 2024 Olha Yesipova, Evgenij Goncharov Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Hard and soft skills development of higher maritime educational institutions cadets while studying the discipline "Maritime English" <p>The article examines the problem of Hard and soft skills development of higher maritime educational institutions cadets while studying the discipline "Maritime English"; emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary connections of the disciplines of different training cycles; it is underlined that the process of teaching maritime English future sailors should be based on a communicative approach, which will enable future specialists to realize their needs in acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities directly on board the ship, as they will work in mixed crews.</p> <p>The study also pointed out the group of knowledge and skills, which are necessary for obtaining confirmation of the professional readiness for a higher education applicant, and the group of knowledge and skills, which are necessary for career promotion; it is stated that the discipline "Maritime English" in educational preparation of cadets of higher maritime educational institutions acts as a kind of synthesizer of knowledge and skills, acquired by them in the process of studying the disciplines of the professional cycle (hard skills), and at the same time provides for the formation and development of such knowledge and skills as: critical thinking, creativity, ability to work in a team, cultural awareness, communicative skills, flexibility, etc. (soft skills).</p> <p>Attention is drawn to the fact that the heterogeneity of cadets' knowledge upon admission to a maritime university and their further distribution into subgroups vary the complexity and types of tasks in classes.</p> <p>It has been proven that the discipline "Maritime English" is universal for preparing future specialists for their professional activities (in the aspect of developing hard and soft skills), as it integrates knowledge and skills, acquired from professionally oriented disciplines, and allows their application for the development of soft skills</p> Uliana Liashenko Copyright (c) 2024 Uliana Liashenko Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Systеms оf lіnеаr еquаtіоns аnd thе thеоry оf dіvіsіbіlіty іn thе structurе оf mаthеmаtіcаl cоmpеtеncе оf а chеmіstry tеаchеr <p>Thіs аrtіclе іs dеdіcаtеd tо thе аnаlysіs оf thе rоlе оf lіnеаr аlgеbrаіc mоdеls аnd rеlаtеd dіvіsіbіlіty thеоry іssuеs іn thе mаthеmаtіcаl аctіvіty оf а chеmіstry tеаchеr. Thе wоrk hаs іnvеstіgаtеd thе plаcе аnd іnfоrmаtіоnаl-lоgіcаl cоnnеctіоns оf lіnеаr аlgеbrаіc mоdеls іn thе systеm оf mаthеmаtіcаl cоmpеtеncе оf а chеmіstry tеаchеr аnd hаs justіfіеd іts sіgnіfіcаncе. Еxаmplеs frоm thе schооl chеmіstry cоursе hаvе bееn gіvеn, whеrе systеms оf lіnеаr аlgеbrаіc еquаtіоns hаvе bееn аctіvеly usеd bоth оvеr thе fіеld оf rеаl numbеrs аnd оvеr thе rіng оf іntеgеrs. Vаrіоus scеnаrіоs fоr sоlvіng prоblеms, in fact rеducеd tо lіnеаr аlgеbrаіc mоdеls, hаvе bееn іllustrаtеd. Such tаsks hаvе іncludеd clаssіc prоblеms wіth mаny rеаgеnt cоmpоnеnts аs wеll аs sеttіng cоеffіcіеnts іn cоmplеx chеmіcаl еquаtіоns. Thе аdvаntаgеs аnd dіsаdvаntаgеs оf synthеtіc mеthоds usіng chеmіcаl rеаsоnіng аnd fоrmаl аlgеbrаіc mеthоds hаvе bееn аnаlyzеd. Іt hаs bееn substаntіаtеd thаt thе tеаchеr nееdеd tо undеrstаnd thе mаthеmаtіcаl еssеncе оf thе cоrrеspоndіng mоdеls tо gеnеrаtе аny sоlutіоn аnd guіdе thе studеnts' cоrrеspоndіng wоrk. Thе pоssіbіlіty оf аpplyіng thе bаsіcs оf numbеr thеоry іn tеаchіng chеmіstry hаs bееn shоwn. Аn аnаlysіs оf thе pоssеssіоn оf rеlеvаnt mаthеmаtіcаl skіlls оf wоrkіng chеmіstry tеаchеrs hаs bееn cоnductеd. Аpprоаchеs wеrе dеvеlоpеd tо іmprоvе thе lеvеl оf chеmіstry tеаchеrs’ skіlls оf sоlvіng аnd аnаlyzіng systеms оf lіnеаr еquаtіоns wіth rеаl аnd іntеgеr vаrіаblеs іn thе cоndіtіоns оf pоstgrаduаtе pеdаgоgіcаl еducаtіоn оf tеаchеrs.</p> <p>Thе rеsults, оbtаіnеd іn thе wоrk, hаvе shоwn thе nееd fоr аn аnаlysіs оf mаthеmаtіcs currіculа іn pеdаgоgіcаl аnd clаssіcаl unіvеrsіtіеs, sеctіоns rеlаtеd tо lіnеаr аlgеbrа, аs wеll аs thе іntrоductіоn оf thе bаsіcs оf numbеr thеоry іntо mаthеmаtіcs currіculа. Thе nееd tо іntrоducе mаthеmаtіcаl trаіnіng іntо thе systеm оf аdvаncеd trаіnіng оf chеmіstry tеаchеrs hаs bееn prоvеn. Pоssіblе furthеr rеsеаrch оn thіs tоpіc іs rеlаtеd tо thе аctіvе іmplеmеntаtіоn оf blоcks оf lіnеаr аlgеbrаіc mоdеls іntо thе cоursеs оf аdvаncеd trаіnіng оf chеmіstry tеаchеrs аnd furthеr аnаlysіs оf thеіr еffеctіvеnеss</p> Vаdym Kіrmаn, Mаrіа Nеkrаsоvа Copyright (c) 2024 Vаdym Kіrmаn, Mаrіа Nеkrаsоvа Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Literature for children as a source of tolerance education for preschoolers <p>The article is devoted to the topical aspect of the general problem of upbringing children of preschool age. It is emphasized that tolerance is directly related to the moral development of an individual. The educational potential of Ukrainian children's literature for preschool children is analyzed. The humanistic, competence-based, personally oriented, pedagogical, psychological approach to the education of tolerance in preschoolers is substantiated. The importance of general pedagogical principles, methods and means of educational influence on the personality of preschool children is taken into account, in particular in the education of tolerance.</p> <p>&nbsp;A characteristic of Ukrainian classics' creativity is given in the context of enhancing the tolerance of preschool children. Education of tolerance among preschoolers by means of poetic and prose texts is revealed. An analysis of prose and verse texts for children by Ukrainian poets and writers of the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century is presented. The educational potential of fairy tales, short stories, and poetry is analyzed. The necessity of using the thematic wealth of Ukrainian children's literature for the education of a tolerant person is substantiated.</p> <p>The article proposes to trace the education of tolerance from folklore works to author's literature. Attention is focused on some methodical aspects of conveying the artistic word to the child. The need to involve parents in the process of raising tolerance is emphasized. On the basis of the conducted research, it was proved that children's literature is one of the effective means of forming tolerance in preschool children.</p> <p>It was found that the presence of specific themes, including tolerance, plots, and images in children's books is important, however, usually the plot-image system is not a priority criterion that determines the age category of readers. More important is the criterion of appropriate selection of means of revealing the plot, building an image as a model for the child's identity, and their accessibility for children to understand. The internal contradiction of children's literature is that it has a rather rigidly defined target (age) audience, so the process of creating a work for children is difficult, and this, apparently, formed the basis of the differentiation of the meanings of children's literature and literature for children</p> Valentyna Delenko, Ilona Hnatyshak, Olena Lushchynska Copyright (c) 2024 Valentyna Delenko, Ilona Hnatyshak, Olena Lushchynska Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Methodological approaches to the problem of forming professional competence of future bachelors in electronics in higher education institutions <p>In this research, the author delves into the results of a thorough study and analysis of methodological approaches to shaping the professional competence of future electronics bachelor’s students in higher education institutions. The focus is on an integrated approach to learning, combining technical components and interdisciplinary connections, and fostering the holistic development of students. This allows for a nuanced portrayal of the multifaceted process of shaping professional competence in the current realities of higher education. The author presents an analysis of scientific inquiries directly or indirectly related to the issue of forming professional competence in future electronics bachelor’s students in higher education institutions. The inadequacy of the study on the chosen issue is noted, necessitating a systematic investigation and the identification of specific measures for optimizing the process of shaping professional competence in electronics. The research also highlights the peculiarities of the impact of military conflict conditions on the process of forming professional competence in future electronics bachelor’s students in Ukrainian higher education institutions. Possible limitations in access to educational resources are analyzed, emphasizing the need for adjusting educational programs in the context of wartime conflict. The focus is directed towards analyzing adaptation strategies of higher education to new realities and developing effective methods to ensure safety and quality learning during military actions. The study underscores the necessity of developing innovative teaching approaches, flexibility in higher education responses to global changes, and establishing effective collaboration with the industry. Overall, the research indicates the relevance of combining technical and humanitarian aspects in the higher education of future electronics professionals and reveals prospects for educational institutions in shaping highly qualified experts capable of meeting the challenges of the contemporary technological world</p> Lidiia Boiko Copyright (c) 2024 Lidiia Boiko Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Foreign experience of software testing engineers training: analysis of educational standards and programs of American universities <p>The article aims to explore the U.S. educational system's approach to training software testing specialists, highlighting specific features and methodologies. The study involves analyzing key standards for IT engineer training in the USA, such as the ACM/IEEE Computer Science Curricula, ABET Accreditation Criteria, ISTE Standards for Educators, and CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, their overall context and targeting, as well as the inclusion of both fundamental and IT-specific disciplines into their content. In the study of each standard, particular emphasis was placed on defining the place and teaching methods of theory and practice of software testing in the university curriculum guidelines. As it was revealed in the analysis, despite the extremely similar interpretation of basic concepts and practices in the context of software testing, opinions about the methodology of their teaching and the need to study as a separate discipline, differ in a set of reviewed standards.</p> <p>Additionally, the research examines training programs at leading American universities, including MIT, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon University, to identify how software testing and quality assurance are reflected in their curricula, covering full-time training programs for students in computer science, software engineering and similar related fields. The analysis examined programs in both general and basic disciplines in the context of information technology, and specific to a certain technological or organizational area, such as mobile device development or IT project management. The content of the subjects, the list of modules and lectures, as well as tasks for extracurricular work, available in open sources, was also analyzed and searched for topics related to quality assurance or software testing. As revealed in the study, in most technical universities testing is not covered within a separate discipline, but is taught as a part of ones related to development practices. However, some training programs, in particular the Master's level, still have disciplines, devoted exclusively to quality control, testing management and automation</p> Oleksandr Gura Copyright (c) 2024 Oleksandr Gura Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 The problems of training future teachers of vocational education in the context of post-war economic recovery in Ukraine <p>The research analyzed the key issues of preparing future vocational education teachers for the economic recovery of Ukraine, particularly emphasizing the relevance and necessity of ensuring the economic component of their pedagogical training for the further development of entrepreneurial competence of students in vocational education, which will meet the state's needs during the post-war period in qualified specialists and workers. In the process of scientific research, a set of problems of preparing future vocational education teachers for professional activities in the context of post-war recovery of Ukraine was identified, particularly emphasizing the need for systematic updating of the content of pedagogical training taking into account the socio-economic factors that influence the labor market and determine the content of economic components of educational programs in vocational education. The research utilized methods such as analysis of scientific-pedagogical and socio-economic literature, periodicals, monographs; study of state standards, legislation in the field of education, qualification frameworks, concepts of competency-based approach, strategies for post-war recovery, etc., systematization of research results; interviews with specialists from the Ministry of Education, teachers in vocational education, educators and masters; pedagogical observations, and more. The author identified and justified the relevance of a number of key issues in preparing future teachers in preliminary higher and vocational education considering the economic component of pedagogical training, and also planned perspectives for further research on the readiness of future teachers to carry out their professional activities at the sufficient level, taking into account the modern requirements of the labor market for qualified specialists and workers, as well as the socio-economic factors in the country during the period of post-war recovery</p> Nataliia Tykhonova Copyright (c) 2024 Nataliia Tykhonova Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300