Yevgeny Leheza
University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine
Doctor of Law, Professor
Scopus profile: link
Researcher ID: X-9904-2019
GoogleScholar profile: link
Selected Publications:
- Leheza, Y., Yurovskа, V., Zamryha, A., Ulozhenko, V., Bohdan, B. (2024). Administrative and legal regulation of the status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine during the war. University of Western Australia Law Review, 51 (2), 295–313.
- Leheza, Y., Dubenko, O., Pavlyk, L., Prasov, O., Pavlov, V. (2024). Foreign Experience of Responsibility for Driving Vehicles in Condition of Alcohol Intoxication: International Standards, Administrative and Criminal Aspects. Revista Juridica Portucalense, 35, 161–174.
- Leheza, Y. (2024). National Security in The Conditions Of The Russian-Ukrainian War: Legal Regulation, Threats, Challenges. Al-Risalah: Forum Kajian Hukum Dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan, 24 (1), 32–48.
- Leheza, Y., Shcherbyna, B., Leheza, Y., Pushkina, O., Marchenko, O. (2024). Characteristics of Suspension or Full/Partial Refusal of Performance in Case of a Counterparty’s Failure to Perform an Obligation under Ukraine’s Civil Legislation. Novum Jus, 18 (2), 131–150.
- Shkuta, O., Leheza, Y., Telelym, I., Anosienkov, A., Yaroshak, O. (2024). National Security in the Conditions of the Russia-Ukraine War: Legal Regulation and Islamic Law Perspectives. Al-Ahkam, 34 (1), 99–120.
- Leheza, Y., Korniienko, M., Berezniak, V., Mariienko, A., Radchuk, A. (2024). Legal Regulation of Liability for Illegal deportation of Children: Administrative, Criminal Aspects, Experience of Ukraine and International Standards.Revista Juridica Portucalense, 36, 257–274.
- Leheza, Y., Yerofieienko, L., Komashko, V. (2023). Peculiarities of legal regulation of intellectual property protection in Ukraine under martial law: administrative and civil aspects. Revista Justiça Do Direito, 37 (3), 157–172.