Yevgeny Leheza

University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine
Doctor of Law, Professor

Scopus profile: link
Researcher ID: X-9904-2019
GoogleScholar profile:

Selected Publications:

  1. Leheza, Y., Yurovskа, V., Zamryha, A., Ulozhenko, V., Bohdan, B. (2024). Administrative and legal regulation of the status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine during the war. University of Western Australia Law Review, 51 (2), 295–313.

  2. Leheza, Y., Dubenko, O., Pavlyk, L., Prasov, O., Pavlov, V. (2024). Foreign Experience of Responsibility for Driving Vehicles in Condition of Alcohol Intoxication: International Standards, Administrative and Criminal Aspects. Revista Juridica Portucalense, 35, 161–174.

  3. Leheza, Y. (2024). National Security in The Conditions Of The Russian-Ukrainian War: Legal Regulation, Threats, Challenges. Al-Risalah: Forum Kajian Hukum Dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan, 24 (1), 32–48.

  4. Leheza, Y., Shcherbyna, B., Leheza, Y., Pushkina, O., Marchenko, O. (2024). Characteristics of Suspension or Full/Partial Refusal of Performance in Case of a Counterparty’s Failure to Perform an Obligation under Ukraine’s Civil Legislation. Novum Jus, 18 (2), 131–150.

  5. Shkuta, O., Leheza, Y., Telelym, I., Anosienkov, A., Yaroshak, O. (2024). National Security in the Conditions of the Russia-Ukraine War: Legal Regulation and Islamic Law Perspectives. Al-Ahkam, 34 (1), 99–120.

  6. Leheza, Y., Korniienko, M., Berezniak, V., Mariienko, A., Radchuk, A. (2024). Legal Regulation of Liability for Illegal deportation of Children: Administrative, Criminal Aspects, Experience of Ukraine and International Standards.Revista Juridica Portucalense, 36, 257–274.

  7. Leheza, Y., Yerofieienko, L., Komashko, V. (2023). Peculiarities of legal regulation of intellectual property protection in Ukraine under martial law: administrative and civil aspects. Revista Justiça Do Direito, 37 (3), 157–172.