ScienceRise: Juridical Science 2024-07-03T17:42:26+03:00 Yuliia Nikolaieva Open Journal Systems <p><em>«ScienceRise: Juridical Science» – </em>scientific peer-reviewed journal, published 4 times a year, included «List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine» (Сertificated by order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 326 from 04.04.2018).</p><p>The aim of the journal «ScienceRise: Juridical Science» is to publish fundamental research on the current problems of the formation of the state and law-making, which in modern society are becoming more and more demanded by jurisprudence.</p><p>The journal publishes doctrinal articles and a comprehensive analysis of state legal reality. The scientific dialogue, which is provided on the pages of the journal, between scholars of different schools both in Ukraine and abroad will contribute to the scientific search, development of jurisprudential theory and the integration of Ukrainian science into the global jurisprudential space.</p> <a href="">ISSN 2523-4153 </a> (print), <a href="">ISSN 2523-4145 </a>(on-line) <br /><br />Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal «ScienceRise: Juridical Science» Editors followed the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics <a href="">(COPE)</a>. Reasonableness of court decisions in the paradigm of psychological, logical and doctrinal analysis 2024-07-03T17:10:07+03:00 Tetiana Lotysh Olha Balatska <p>The article is devoted to the study of the concept of reasoning of court decisions through psychological, logical and doctrinal aspects. Reasonableness of court decisions is a multifaceted concept, which is influenced by the interaction of these three key aspects. Studying the characteristics of a court decision as a special type of legal document through the prism of interdisciplinary dialogue improves understanding of the processes underlying judicial thinking and the formalization of its outcome. Cognitive biases, emotional state and social pressure influence the decision-making process. The article analyzes certain psychological theories and concepts that emphasize the influence of psychological factors on the motivation of judicial decisions. The author emphasizes the importance of logical consistency in legal reasoning. The author examines the common logical techniques, used in rendering court decisions and their reasoning, and also identifies the importance of consistent and rational judgments in law enforcement. In addition, the author examines how established legal doctrines affect the characteristics of a court decision, including its motivation, and how deviations from these doctrines may affect public perception of court decisions. Understanding and taking into account psychological, logical and doctrinal aspects in the process of making a court decision is important for increasing the level of motivation of court decisions, and as a result, ensuring the right to a fair trial and building trust in the legal system in general</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Lotysh, Ольга Романівна Балацька