ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science <p><em>«ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» </em><em>–</em> scientific peer-reviewed journal, published 6 times a year, included in category «A» «List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine» (Сertificated by order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 420 from 19.04.2021).</p> <p><em>The main mission of the journal </em>– dissemination of the results of scientific research aimed at ensuring the quality of pharmaceutical assistance to the population through targeted search and modern pharmaceutical development of innovative medicines, the creation of modern quality management systems at pharmaceutical enterprises in the industry.</p> <p>In the journal<em> «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» </em>publishes research designed and implemented taking into account the Quality by design concept with widespread use of computational methods.</p> <p>The journal is intended for scientists, pharmacists, doctors, educators, and healthcare professionals.</p> <p><em>Innovations in pharmaceutical science - </em>for practical use.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ISSN 2519-4844</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">E-ISSN 2519-4852</a>, <a href="">ISSN-L 2519-4844</a><br /><br />Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» Editors followed the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics <a href="">(COPE)</a>.</p> TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC® en-US ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science 2519-4844 <p>Our journal abides by the Creative Commons CC BY copyright rights and permissions for open access journals.</p> [1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazoline hybrids with azole and azine heterocycles: design, synthesis, antibacterial and antiradical activity <p><strong>The aim:</strong> Present paper devoted to the purposeful search of a promising biologically active compounds among heterocyclic hybrids combining in their structure [1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazoline system and a "pharmacophoric" azole or azine fragment, joined through an alkylthio linker group.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods:</strong> Methods of synthetic organic chemistry were used to prepare target compounds. The purity and structure of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by elemental analysis, HPLC-MS, and ¹H NMR spectrometry. Radical-scavenging activity was estimated using DPPH-assay, antimicrobial activity was studied by serial dilution method.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> A combinatorial library of 30 novel heterocyclic hybrids was designed and synthesized. The target compounds were obtained via the interaction of 6-chloroalkyl-3-R-2H-[1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazolin-2-ones and corresponding heterocyclic thiones in the presence of a base. The synthesized compounds were studied for their radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity. Most of the obtained compounds revealed low antimicrobial activity against studied strains. However, the heterocyclic hybrid combining triazinoquinazoline, thiadiazole, and 4-fluorophenyl moieties (compound <strong>2.14</strong>) inhibited the growth of S. aureus, E. coli, and M. luteum. Among the obtained compounds, five heterocyclic hybrids demonstrated significant DPPH radical scavenging activity (30.41-43.53 %). The "structure-activity" correlations were evaluated and discussed. It was estimated that "linker" alkylthio-group modification resulted in the most pronounced changes in the radical scavenging activity of obtained compounds.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> Triazinoquinazoline-based heterocyclic hybrids are promising objects for further screening for antimicrobial activity and pharmacological effects associated with antiradical properties</p> Oleksandr Grytsak Kostiantyn Schabelnyk Anna Kinichenko Olena Komarovska-Porokhnyvets Vira Lubenets Oleksii Voskoboinik Serhii Kovalenko Copyright (c) 2024 Oleksandr Grytsak, Kostiantyn Schabelnyk, Anna Kinichenko, Olena Komarovska-Porokhnyvets, Vira Lubеnets, Oleksii Voskoboinik, Serhii Kovalenko 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 4 14 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.318160 Design of non-covalent dual-acting inhibitors for proteases MPRO and PLPRO of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 through evolutionary library generation, pharmacophore profile matching, and molecular docking calculations <p>The proteases of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are crucial for the virus's life cycle, making them a prime target for developing antiviral drugs to combat COVID-19. Currently, there is a priority to develop new antiviral drugs that can target multiple viral proteins at once. In this study, we analyze the molecular mechanisms of how non-covalent inhibitors interact with the main protease (Mpro) and papain-like (PLpro) protease of SARS-CoV-2 to create a computer modelling algorithm for discovering ligands that can inhibit both Mpro and PLpro simultaneously.</p> <p><strong>Aim of the study. </strong>We aim to analyze the molecular structures involved in the interactions between current non-covalent inhibitors and the Mpro and PLpro proteases of SARS-CoV-2. The goal is to identify a common molecular structure that could be used to discover new inhibitors with a dual-acting mode using computer simulations.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods.</strong> LigandScout 4.5 software was used for 3D-pharmacophore analysis, virtual screening and molecular docking. AutoDock Vina 1.1.2 tools was utilized for molecular docking. Web-servers PLIP (Protein-Ligand Interaction Profiler) and Pharmit were used for studying molecular binding mechanisms. Generation of evolutionary libraries was performed by DataWarrior 6.0. Analysis and visualization were performed by Discovery Studio 2024 Suite.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> Our study analyzed various models of SARS-CoV-2 protease binding sites available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and their corresponding non-covalent inhibitor ligands. This analysis helped identify important features of the Mpro and PLpro ligands. By comparing the pharmacophore models of Mpro ligands with the structural features of PLpro inhibitors, we identified ligands that could potentially match the binding sites of both proteases. Using the structures of these ligands, an evolutionary library was created in the DataWarrior program. Virtual screening of this library using both Mpro and PLpro pharmacophores revealed several new hit molecules. Molecular docking of these molecules into the active sites of the Mpro and PLpro proteases and calculating their binding energetics led to the identification of several molecules and their corresponding scaffolds with dual inhibition potential. These findings can be further studied in vitro with the aim of discovering drugs for COVID-19.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> We used computer-based screening to search for ligands that could bind to both Mpro and PLpro proteases. After identifying these potential compounds, we developed synthesis methods to obtain them for further in vitro biological activity studies</p> Larysa Yevsieieva Pavlo Trostianko Alexander Kyrychenko Volodymyr Ivanov Sergiy Kovalenko Oleg Kalugin Copyright (c) 2024 Larysa Yevsieieva, Pavlo Trostianko, Alexander Kyrychenko, Volodymyr Ivanov, Sergiy Kovalenko, Oleg Kalugin 2024-11-19 2024-11-19 6(52) 15 26 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.313808 Rat transtibial hindlimb amputation model: characteristic of the central nervous system functional state, physical endurance and body mass in dynamic <p>Limb loss is a relevant medical and social problem. In a full-scale war environment, amputation became a frequent occasion, which requires adequate rehabilitation measures in preparation for prosthetic procedures. The post-traumatic period's peculiarities, specifically the central nervous system (CNS) functional characteristics and physical endurance, must be known. Experimental studies on animal models play an important role; however, there is no information available about such studies.</p> <p><strong>The aim. </strong>To determine the influence of hindlimb loss on the state of the central nervous system in terms of behavioural responses, physical endurance, and body mass dynamics of rats in the early and late post-amputation period. To characterise the indicated amputation model for further use in experimental studies.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods.</strong> The experiment was conducted on white male rats. Transtibial amputation at the level of the lower third of the hind limb was performed in aseptic conditions in 6 animals under thiopental-sodium anaesthesia (40 mg/kg intraperitoneally). The state of CNS and physical endurance was determined during the early (3-4 days after amputation) and long-term (2 months after surgery) periods. Locomotor and exploratory activity, emotional responses and vegetative support were determined in the Open field test, and anxiety was determined in the Light-dark box test. The coordination of animal movement was measured in the rotarod test, and the depression level was measured in the Porsolt swim test. The physical endurance of the rats was studied using the forced swimming test with a load (5 % of the body mass at the base of the tail) as a control were used rats with comparable body mass. STATISTICA 12.0 was used to process the results.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> In the early post-amputation period, exploratory behaviour and emotional results of rats in the Open field test were significantly suppressed, while in the long-term period of significance, only the reduction of emotional responses. In the Light-dark box test, the latency to enter the darkened compartment of the chamber increases reliably in both periods of observation (especially in the early period). Collectively, these results indicate changes in the reaction of animals with amputation of the hindlimb to stressful experimental conditions, in particular, an anxiety reduction, which requires further research. In the rotarod test, a significant deterioration of movement coordination of rats with amputation was found in both observation periods. After amputation, the manifestations of depressive behaviour in the Porsolt swimming test progressed, and the physical endurance in the forced swimming test with a load was significantly reduced. The body mass of rats with hindlimb amputation was significantly increased after 2 months (22 % average increase vs 4 % average increase in control, p&lt;0.01). Results are important for experimental-based optimal rehabilitation programs after lower limb amputation.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> An easy-to-perform model of transtibial amputation at the level of the lower third of the hindlimb in rats is proposed. It is concluded that after amputation, exploratory behaviour and emotional responses were suppressed, which indicates changes in the responses of animals with amputation of the hindlimb to stressful experimental conditions, in particular, an anxiety reduction, which differentiates this animal amputation model from human amputation. After amputation, the depressed behaviour of rats progresses, movement coordination steadily worsens, and physical endurance is significantly reduced. The body mass of rats with hindlimb amputation increases considerably</p> Mykyta Hutorka Dmytro Kyrylov Oleksandr Meklenburtsev Sergiy Shtrygol’ Andrii Taran Olena Ruban Copyright (c) 2024 Mykyta Нutorka, Dmytro Kyrylov, Oleksandr Meklenburtsev, Sergiy Shtrygol’, Andrii Taran, Olena Ruban 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 6(52) 27 36 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.318008 Volatile compounds in distillates and hexane extracts from the flowers of Philadelphus coronarius and Jasminum officinale <p>Jasminum L. of the Oleaceae family is a genus of plants cultivated for its aromatic flowers, which are a source of essential oil (EO). In temperate countries, jasmine, or pseudo jasmine, is often called Philadelphus coronarius L. of the Hydrangeáceae or Philadelphaceae family due to its similar fragrance.</p> <p><strong>The aim. </strong>The aim of the study was to compare the component composition of volatile compounds of hydrodistillates and hexane extracts from flowers of Philadelphus coronarius L. and Jasminum officinale L..</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods. </strong>Hydrodistillates obtained from dried flowers of J. officinale and from dried and fresh flowers of P. coronarius, as well as hexane extracts from similar raw materials, were analyzed by GC-MS.</p> <p><strong>Research results. </strong>109 compounds were identified. It was found that in the EO of J. officinale, obtained by hydrodistillation, the terpenoid content is 90.31 %, while in the hexane extract of the same raw material, the terpenoid content is only 36.24 %. In the EO of P. coronarius, obtained by hydrodistillation of dry flowers, the terpenoid content is 50.04 %, and from fresh flowers – 45.13 %. In the hexane extract of dry flowers of P. coronarius, the terpenoid content is only 14.63 %, while in the extract of fresh flowers – 52.55 %. In the EO of J. officinale obtained by hydrodistillation, the dominant components are (E)-geranyl linalool (12.86 %), linalool (10.72 %), (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol benzoate (7.82 %), α-farnesene (7.72 %), D-limonene (6.43 %), methyl anthranilate (5.9 %), (Z)-9-tricosene (4.15 %). In the EO obtained by hydrodistillation from dried flowers of P. coronarius, the dominant components are (1R)-(-)-myrtenal (12.73 %), myrtanal (11.09 %), pentadecanal (9.42 %), tricosane (8.33 %), (Z)-jasmone (7.09 %). In the EO, it is obtained by hydrodistillation from fresh P. coronarius flowers, the dominant components are: nerolidol (19.42 %), ethyl palmitate (19.13 %), methyl 2-methylpalmitate (16.44 %), myrtanal (9.91 %), pentadecanal (5.28 %), (Z)-jasmone (2.72 %).</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>The conducted studies identified the main differences in volatile compounds in distillates and hexane extracts of P. coronarius and J. officinale. A total of 109 compounds were identified in the objects, and the dominant components were established. During the drying process of P. coronarius flowers, the composition of the EO significantly changes. Only hexane extracts from dried flowers of J. officinale and P. coronarius contain triterpene squalene in significant amounts (13.96 % and 6.72 %). Common to the hexane extracts of the studied objects are aromatic compounds: benzyl alcohol, 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol; aliphatic compounds: 2,4-dimethyl-heptane, octanal, decanal</p> Ain Raal Tetiana Ilina Alla Kovalyova Oleh Koshovyi Copyright (c) 2024 Raal Ain, Тetiana Ilina, Alla Kovaleva, Oleh Koshovyi 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 37 46 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.318497 Effect of a new phytocomposition based on polyphenolic extract from cranberry leaves and amino acids on the state of the pancreas in metabolic syndrome <p><strong>The aim of this work</strong> was to study the effect of a phytocomposition based on a polyphenol extract from large-fruited cranberry leaves and amino acids (L-arginine, taurine, glycine) on the state of the pancreas and liver in experimental metabolic syndrome in rats.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods. </strong>Metabolic syndrome was reproduced using a high-sucrose diet, which was provided by replacing drinking water with a 30 % sucrose solution in drinkers in a free-access mode for 8 weeks. A phytocomposition based on a polyphenol extract from large-fruited cranberry leaves and amino acids at a dose of 100 mg/kg and comparison drugs phytocollection "Arfazetin" and tablets "Metformin" were administered daily during the reproduction of pathology for 8 weeks. The ability of the phytocomposition to improve glucose tolerance was evaluated in an oral glucose tolerance test. Histologically, the state of the pancreas was assessed with staining sections with hematoxylin and eosin, aldehyde fuchsin according to Gomora, and morphometric measurements of pancreatic islets were carried out. The liver sections were subjected to the McManus PAS reaction to detect glycogen; to verify neutral fats, the liver sections were stained with Sudan IV.</p> <p><strong>Results. </strong>Preventive administration of a phytocomposition based on a polyphenol extract from large-fruited cranberry leaves and amino acids at a dose of 100 mg/kg for 8 weeks had significantly improved glucose tolerance, a positive effect on the morphological state of the insular apparatus of rats: in the overwhelming majority of islets, cells with normal density were observed, which were uniformly distributed over the entire area of the islet. Also, no signs of hypertrophy or dystrophy of β-cells were detected. Under the influence of the studied phytocomposition, liver hepatocytes had normal glycogen saturation and a minimum content of neutral fats in the cytoplasm. In terms of the severity of the protective effect on the insular apparatus of the pancreas of rats, the phytocomposition exceeded the "Arfazetin" collection and was not inferior to "Metformin" tablets, and in terms of the degree of restoration of impaired metabolic changes in the liver, it surpassed both comparison drugs.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> Two-month maintenance of rats on a diet high in sucrose was characterised by impaired glucose tolerance, pathomorphological changes in the insular apparatus of the pancreas, impaired glycogen-forming function of the liver and development of steatohepatosis. Phytocomposition based on polyphenolic extract of cranberry leaves and amino acids at therapeutic and prophylactic administration on the background of a high-sugar diet significantly improved glucose tolerance, prevented dystrophic and necrobiotic changes of β-cells, depletion of glycogen stores and fat accumulation in the liver of rats. The phytocomposition based on the polyphenolic extract from large-fruited cranberry leaves and amino acids was superior to the reference preparation “Arfazetin” and practically not inferior to “Metformin” tablets in its ability to limit morphological changes in the pancreas tissue and exceeded both comparison preparations in the degree of restoration of disturbed metabolic changes in the liver. The results indicate the prospect of further experimental studies on the pharmacological properties of phytocomposition based on the polyphenolic extract of cranberry leaves and amino acids in order to create an effective phytomedicine for the correction of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus manifestations</p> Mariia Anisimova Nadiia Kononenko Valentyna Chikitkina Copyright (c) 2024 Mariia Anisimova, Nadiia Kononenko, Valentyna Chikitkina 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 47 59 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.318509 The pharmacotherapy management of cardiovascular diseases in hospitalised patients: clinical pharmacist’s view <p><strong>The aim.</strong> To assess pharmacotherapy of hospitalised patients with coronary heart disease in Ukraine, identify the types of drug-related problems, and recommend interventions to improve the management of cardiac inpatients.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods.</strong> The objects of the study were 25 medical records of inpatients with coronary heart disease complicated by heart failure and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. Methods applied: systematisation, generalisation, comparison, clinical and pharmaceutical approach. The statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS Trial.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> A comprehensive retrospective study was conducted to assess the management of cardiovascular diseases. In total, 25 patients were prescribed 62 drugs. It was established that 53.5 % of medicines were "Agents affecting the cardiovascular system"; out of them, 26.9 % were "other cardiac drugs" (C01E) used for enhancing cardiac energy metabolism. The study identified 597 drug-related problems (DRPs) (23.9±12.6 DRPs per patient) with the drug-drug interactions prevalence (62.6 %). Other common groups of DRPs were: (1) no indications for drug administration (8.5 %), and (2) despite indications, the drug was not prescribed (8.2 %). 99 DRPs (16.6 %; 95 % CI:13.7-19.8 %) were associated with "other cardiac drugs". They included 4 types of DRPs: (1) no indications for drug administration (33.3 %); (2) insufficient duration of the treatment (31.3 %); (3) drug-drug interactions (22.3 %); and (4) insufficient dosage or frequency of use (13.1 %).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> Our findings suggest that the treatment of cardiac inpatients is associated with numerous DRPs. Thus, we formed a list of recommendations to improve the management of cardiovascular diseases in hospitalised patients</p> Tetiana Ryvak Oksana Horodnycha Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Ryvak, Oksana Horodnycha 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 60 67 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.303427 Analyst qualification for compliance with normal analytical practice for pipette use <p><strong>Aim.</strong> This work aimed to assess the proficiency of routine medicine quality control analysts for compliance with the normal analytical practice (NAP) requirements for the standard pipette aliquoting analytical procedure.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods.</strong> Certified 2 mL Mohr pipettes provided by the proficiency testing provider; a gravimetric procedure for determining the delivered volume and the corresponding equipment that meets the ISO 4787:2021 requirements; methods of mathematical statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results and discussion.</strong> The participants conducted five measurements of the delivered volume using the gravi-metric method. The acceptance criteria for the results were developed to ensure reliable verification of volumetric glassware, where the random analyst’s error had to be insignificant compared to the requirements for the error of the volumetric glassware, as well as compliance with NAP in routine analysis, particularly regarding individual deviations. A total of 64 analysts from 22 laboratories participated in the testing. Of these, 61 analysts achieved satisfactory results by all criteria. For 44 % of the participants, the deviations from the nominal value were signif-icant as per the ISO requirements for Class A pipettes. Individual and average deviations from the nominal value were calculated and analyzed, allowing for assessing the participant results’ precision and the correctness of their decisions regarding the ISO requirements for measuring equipment. The accuracy of the participants’ calculations, the instruments used, and the testing conditions were evaluated. Issues with calculations, rounding of results, and non-compliance with the requirements concerning metrological balance qualification, thermometer calibration, laboratory environmental conditions, and pipette condition evaluation were revealed.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> Findings indicate that participants can meet NAP requirements and perform pipette verification with high reliability, which aligns with the key analyst qualification requirements. The results confirm that for personnel qualification, it is necessary to use pipettes with certified delivered volume with acceptable uncertainty. The devel-oped testing procedure can be used for intra-laboratory proficiency testing</p> Dmytro Leontiev Svitlana Chykalova Vitalii Asmolov Natalia Volovyk Vasyl Petrus Oleksandr Gryzodub Copyright (c) 2024 Dmytro Leontiev, Svitlana Chykalova, Vitalii Asmolov, Natalia Volovyk, Vasyl Petrus, Oleksandr Gryzodub 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 68 79 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.318519 A comparison study of artificial intelligence-driven no-code applications for drug discovery and development <p><strong>The aim.</strong> The aim of this study was to evaluate the functionality and effectiveness of selected AI-driven no-code applications in drug discovery. This research assessed ease of use, interface design, user experience, speed, resource utilisation, accuracy, and scalability to determine their suitability for various drug development tasks.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods.</strong> The study used an evaluation methodology to test six AI-driven no-code applications: Insilico Medicine's Pharma.AI, Atomwise, Schrödinger's LiveDesign, Exscientia, BenevolentAI, and Cyclica. Quantitative data were collected from performance metrics, and qualitative data were obtained through expert interviews. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, repeated measures ANOVA, and post hoc Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) tests.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong>The analysis revealed that Insilico Medicine's Pharma.AI and Atomwise consistently outperformed other applications regarding usability and predictive accuracy. Schrödinger's LiveDesign demonstrated high accuracy but required significant computational resources. BenevolentAI and Exscientia showed limitations in usability and accuracy, particularly in toxicity prediction. Cyclica was noted for its ease of use but was less effective in scalability and resource utilisation.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> The findings provide valuable insights for researchers and pharmaceutical companies, guiding the integration and application of AI-driven solutions to accelerate the drug discovery process and improve the success rate of developing new therapeutic drugs. Future research should focus on broadening the evaluation to include more diverse scenarios and real-world applications to further validate and enhance these tools</p> Iryna Nizhenkovska Tetyana Reva Olena Kuznetsova Oleksii Nizhenkovskyi Oksana Chkhalo Copyright (c) 2024 Iryna Nizhenkovska, Tetyana Reva, Olena Kuznetsova, Oleksii Nizhenkovskyi, Oksana Chkhalo 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 80 89 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.318920 Marketing study of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in military servants and war veterans <p><strong>The aim of the work: </strong>to present the results of a marketing study of medicinal products of the ATC classification group N06AB "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors" (SSRIs) in terms of registration and legal status, the state of the wholesale and retail market, presence in socio-economic regulatory lists of medicinal products, as well as to evaluate the results of an anonymous survey of doctors regarding the prescription of SSRIs to military personnel and war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods</strong><strong>.</strong> Methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, specification, systematization, generalization, and reliability assessment were used; an anonymous survey of 35 psychiatrists and 25 neurologists was conducted regarding the prescription of drugs for patients with PTSD.</p> <p><strong>Results and discussion. </strong>It was found that SSRIs should be considered as first-line pharmacotherapy for military personnel with PTSD. At the same time, escitalopram, which, according to the literature, demonstrates the best safety and efficacy indicators, which was preferred by 97% of the surveyed doctors, the market of which showed the greatest growth in terms of assortment and which was most numerously included in the List of Drugs Subject to Reimbursement, remains absent from the updated Unified Clinical Protocol for the Treatment of PTSD.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>100% of doctors confirmed the choice of SSRIs, among which, with a probability of type I error α = 0.05, a reliable probability of p ≥ 0.95 regarding the unanimity of responses, psychiatrists most often prescribed escitalopram and sertraline, neurologists - citalopram and escitalopram, in general - escitalopram.</p> <p>As of 01.10.2024, 45 trade names of SSRIs were registered in Ukraine (4 - fluoxetine, 1 - citalopram, 7 - paroxetine, 9 - sertraline, 2 - fluvoxamine, 22 - escitalopram), 80% of the drugs were of foreign origin, 20% of which were manufactured to order by domestic manufacturing companies. Imported drugs came from 15 countries, most of them - from India (28%); among 9 domestic companies, Pharma Start LLC supplies the largest number of medicines (33%).</p> <p>It was found that currently the lowest prices for drugs in Ukraine are offered by the drug booking service Tabletky.UA. The state reimburses the cost of PTSD treatment with the most affordable drugs paroxetine and sertraline (1 trade name each), fluoxetine (3), escitalopram (5). Therefore, given the results of the study, it is recommended to include escitalopram in the Unified Clinical Protocol of Primary and Specialized Medical Care “Acute Stress Reaction. PTSD. Adaptation Disorders”.</p> Iryna Fediak Tetiana Volosheniuk Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Volosheniuk, Iryna Fediak 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 90 102 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.308684 Influence of a new combined production based on dense carrot root extract and quercetin on the morphological and proliferative properties of l929 line fibroblasts in cell culture <p>At the first stage of studying the pharmacological properties of substances, the general cytotoxic effect is determined based on the assessment of viability, morphological integrity and functional activity of cells. One of the standard cell lines often used in cytotoxicity tests is the L929 line.</p> <p>Studying the ability of a combined lipid-lowering agent based on dense carrot root extract and quercetin to influence the morphological and functional properties of fibroblasts of the L929 line in cell culture was the <strong>aim</strong> of this study.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods:</strong> Determination of the cytotoxicity of the drug under study was carried out in a cell culture of the L929 line at a concentration of 40, 100, and 200 mg/ml. The safety of cells in the resulting suspension was assessed using staining with a 0,4% trypan blue solution. Cell morphology and nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio were assessed in fixed culture preparations stained with hematoxylin-eosin. To assess the migration and proliferative activity of a monolayer culture, the “scratch” test was used.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> When L929 cells were incubated in a nutrient medium with the addition of the product, their viability and morphological properties were preserved; images of a monolayer of the culture of these cells under phase-contrast microscopy coincided with the quantitative analysis data. The absence of changes in the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio was further evidence of the absence of toxic effects of the studied drug in relation to fibroblast culture. According to the experiment results, the migration and proliferative activity of L929 cells under the influence of the drug did not differ significantly from intact cells.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The results of the toxicological study showed that the combined product based on dense carrot root extract and quercetin does not have a cytotoxic effect on the L929 cell line culture and can be recommended for further preclinical research.</p> Tetiana Kononenko Viktoria Ustichenko Galyna Bozhok Valentyna Chikitkina Rymma Yeromenko Inna Kovalevska Viktoriia Verkhovod Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Kononenko, Viktoria Ustichenko, Galyna Bozhok, Valentyna Chikitkina, Rymma Yeromenko, Inna Kovalevska, Viktoriia Verkhovod 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 103 110 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.319401 An approach to the technological process validation of manufacturing medical devices using the example of injectable implants based on hyaluronic acid <p><strong>The aim</strong><strong>. </strong>Technological process validation of manufacturing medical devices is a necessary condition for confirming the ability to continuously produce high-quality medical devices, reduce or eliminate the number of defects, improve the level of product quality, and is also one of the main requirements for product certification on the European Union market. Given the wide variety of medical device types (from patches to pre-filled syringes), unlike medicinal products, the validation procedure for medical devices does not have clear recommendations and guidelines.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods. </strong>The subject of this article is the determination of the approach to the technological process validation of manufacturing medical devices using the example of injectable implants based on cross-linking hyaluronic acid, based on the experience of batch production of the specified type of products on an industrial scale and the regulatory requirements of Ukraine and the European Union.</p> <p><strong>Results. </strong>The article presents information about the nature of hyaluronic acid, its structure, sources and methods of production, and the scope of application.</p> <p>Determination of critical points of the technological process was carried out by the method of risk assessment using the approach of forming the Ishikawa diagram, i.e. "analysis of cause-and-effect relationships ".</p> <p>The main stages of the analysis of causal relationships are the following:</p> <p>– determination of the process that is subject to analysis (obtaining high-quality finished products) and sub-processes that have an impact on the final result;</p> <p>– determination of the main categories of impact on the process, displayed by blocks on the Ishikawa diagram.</p> <p>The result of such an analysis is displayed in the form of the above-mentioned diagram Ishikawa ("fishbone").</p> <p>Sub-processes that have the main influence on it were determined. These elements are the critical points that will be subject to validation. The impact of each of these elements, their key parameters and permissible operating ranges are described in the article.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>The sub-processes that have the main impact on the technological process of manufacturing the medical device are identified. These elements are critical points that are subject to validation. The article describes the impact of each of these elements, their main parameters and permissible operating ranges, and also presents the validation process and confirmation of the validity of the corresponding technology</p> Inna Bondarets Lyudmila Sidorenko Olga Antonenko Serhii Lebed Victoriya Georgiyants Copyright (c) 2024 Inna Bondarets, Lyudmila Sidorenko, Olga Antonenko, Serhii Lebed, Victoriya Georgiyants 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 111 123 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.319456 Development of technology for obtaining tablets by double granulation method with Pipsissewa (Chimaphila Umbellata) extract <p>The use of the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants is currently considered a physiological method of prevention and treatment, which affects the normalization of metabolic processes and the restoration of the body's functional capabilities. Medicinal products created based on plants can be used for a longer period, including in the treatment of chronic diseases.</p> <p><strong>The aim of the work</strong> is to select a technology to produce tablets containing wintergreen umbrella herb liquid extract, considering the pharmaco-technological properties of the resulting dosage form.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods</strong><strong>.</strong> The objects of the study were pipsissewa herb liquid extract and experimental model samples of mixtures of this plant substance with excipients permitted for medical use. The research on the analysis of the liquid extract and pharmaco-technological indicators of test samples of tablet mass and tablets was carried out according to the methods of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU).</p> <p>Determination of the optimal technology for obtaining and quantitative composition of excipients of tablets from pipsissewa herb liquid extract was carried out using mathematical design of experiments (MDE) by the method of a four-factor experiment based on the Greco-Latin square.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> The analysis of the liquid extract of pipsissewa showed the presence of 47.0±1.0 % of extractive (dry residue) substances. It was determined that the use of Liquid-Solid technology in the technology of obtaining tablets with plant extract based on the amorphous form of magnesium aluminometasilicate (Neusilin US2) requires the use of a combined approach that will ensure the quality of the finished product. During experimental studies, the use of three interrelated production strategies was proposed. In the process of applying the proposed strategy, it was determined that microcrystalline cellulose effectively performs the function of an adsorbent and filler; the consistency of the mixtures significantly depends on the ratio of MCC 101:extract. It was investigated that the use of double granulation will allow for the increase of the amount of active ingredient in the granulate without changing the volume of MCC 101, which will allow for the achievement of a higher extract content in the finished tablets. The use of double granulation technology can also ensure uniform distribution of the active ingredient and maintain the necessary flowability of the mixture for subsequent tabletting. The use of mathematical, experimental planning in the development of double granulation (drying) technology and the composition of excipients based on studies of the fluidity of the tabletting mass; attrition, disintegration, resistance of tablets to crushing, and organoleptic indicators became the basis for the development of the composition of the medicinal product in the form of tablets containing pipsissewa liquid extract.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> The adsorption property and its influence on the tabletting process of the synthetic amorphous form of magnesium aluminometasilicate (Neusilin US2) and microcrystalline cellulose 101 (MCC 101) were determined when using these substances as a carrier for pipsissewa grass liquid extract. The possibility of conducting a double granulation process using microcrystalline cellulose 101 (MCC 101) according to a given amount of liquid extract was proven. Using mathematical planning of the experiment, the drying conditions of the granulate and the quantitative composition of excipients were selected</p> Oleksiy Kovregin Dmytro Soldatov Oleksandr Kukhtenko Inna Vladymyrova Copyright (c) 2024 Oleksiy Kovregin, Dmytro Soldatov, Oleksandr Kukhtenko, Inna Vladymyrova 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6(52) 124 133 10.15587/2519-4852.2024.319206