Mechanism of formation of oxalate concrements in the presence of ureaseproducing pathogens in urine (conception).


  • S. A. Vozianov
  • D. V. Koval
  • A. V. Rudenko
  • N. I. Zheltovska



nephrolithiasis, urease-producing microorganisms, mineral composition of concrements, mechanism of lithogenesis


The aim of the study was to as­certain the role of U.urealyticum in formation of phosphates and oxalates in kidneys and factors promoting this pro­cess. The work represents the author’s conception of this process. There were fully examined 79 patients with nephro­lithiasis with the aim to determine the species difference of pathogenic agents of the accompanying inflammatory process and there was compared the chemical structure of the removed concrements. There was stated the role of the urease-producing bacteria (P.mirabilis and U.urealyticum) in the process of phosphate and oxalate lithogenesis and the accompanying factors, which initiate these reactions (urinary pH, endogenic urease, index of oxalic acid concentration). The work presents the comparative analysis of lithogenesis in the presence of accompanying bacteria of different taxonomic position. The authors’ conception of the role of U.urealyticum and P.mirabilis in lithogenesis has been elaborated.

Author Biographies

S. A. Vozianov

SE «Institute of urology of AcademyІ of medical sciences of Ukraine»
Ju. Kocjubins'kogo st., 9-A, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine

D. V. Koval

Cherkasy Regional Hospital Cherkasy Regional Council
Mendeleev st., 3, Cherkasy, 18009, Ukraine

A. V. Rudenko

SE «Institute of urology of AcademyІ of medical sciences of Ukraine»
Ju. Kocjubins'kogo st., 9-A, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine

N. I. Zheltovska

SE «Institute of urology of AcademyІ of medical sciences of Ukraine»
Ju. Kocjubins'kogo st., 9-A, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Vozianov SA, Koval DV, Rudenko AV, Zheltovska NI. Mechanism of formation of oxalate concrements in the presence of ureaseproducing pathogens in urine (conception). Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2017Jun.29 [cited 2025Mar.25];22(2):60-6. Available from:

