Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Manuscript must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. Material not following principles of publication ethics and bioethics are not accepted. It is the author’s responsibility for reliability of the material presented in the manuscript. Editorial Board reserves the right to correct mistakes in terminology and style, to remove unnecessary illustrations. Editorial Board does not pay author’s fee. Manuscripts submitted, that do not correspond to the rules of their submission to the Journal "Medicni perspektivi" are returned to the author for his/her request only, without consideration by the editors.
Author Guidelines
Dear authors!
The journal "Medicni perspektivi" is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category A, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 24.09.2020 № 1188), which can publish the results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences, as well as a number of domestic and international information systems, catalogs, libraries and databases (indexing), for compliance with which the authors must comply with certain rules.
In reviewing publications, the editorial board is guided by international standards, advice and resources on all aspects of publishing ethics in accordance with the requirements of the COPE, Committee On Publication Ethics, the WAME, World Association of Medical Journal Editors, the ICMJE International Committee Medical Journal Editors, and current regulatory documents on standardization in publishing industry of Ukraine, which provide recommendations on best practices in conducting medical research and reporting on them (see Publication ethics).
The article should be devoted to a topical issue, with a high level of scientific significance and novelty, high methodological and methodical quality of work, be based on new reliable scientific data and meet the profile of the journal. The presentation of the article should be consistent, logical, clear to readers of the journal worldwide.
The editors of the journal control the quality of articles, adhering to the transparency of peer review standards. Articles are subject to anonymous double (blind) internal or external review, the results of which are reported to the author.
Stages of review:
- primary review (verification of the article's compliance with the publication's core area, compliance with the requirements for the content and structure of the article);
- technical (verification of the paper's design in accordance with the rules for authors);
- expert (verification and evaluation by expert reviewers).
The number of peer-reviewed editions is limited - 2 for expert peer-review and 3 for primary peer-review (the term to prepare revised version considering comments is 7 days). In case of violation the terms, the editorial board has the right to refuse to publish the article. The editors reserve the right to reduce and edit the received works. The date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final (revised) version of the article.
The manuscript may not be previously or simultaneously sent to another edition.
Materials that violate the principles of publication ethics and bioethics are not accepted. Research on patients or volunteers requires the approval of the ethics committee and the informed written consent of the participants (for children, the written consent of parents or guardians). This must be documented. Authors must confirm that all necessary consents required by applicable law have been obtained in writing from any relevant patient, study participant and / or other person included in the article. In order to maintain the confidentiality of the patient and any other person, the signed consent forms must be kept by the responsible author (not sent to the journal). The authors are personally responsible for the accuracy of the materials provided, in particular the author-correspondent of the manuscript confirms that the statements of research participants, statements of conflict of interest, etc. included in this document are correct and approved by all co-authors.
The article must be signed by all co-authors, have a visa of the research manager and the following documents:
- official direction from the institution from which the article is published (with the signature of the head and the seal), and an indication of whether the article is a dissertation; if the article comes from several institutions, a referral from each of them is required;
- expert’s conclusion on the absence of state secrets;
- conclusion from the supervising independent bioethics committee of the institution;
- agreement on the transfer of copyright to the editors (to be filled in by the each author separately with the original signature). Under such conditions, the editorial board has the right to publish it in all formats (including printed and electronic versions), translate the article, place it on the publisher's website and archive it in the bases of scientific journals, catalogs and repositories;
- information about the authors in any form (surname, name, patronymic, position, degree, place of work, address, contact numbers, e-mail).
If any change in the authorship of the article is required after the manuscript has been submitted to the editors, the author responsible for correspondence must send a signed letter by e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief confirming that all original co-authors have been notified and agreed to the change. No changes in the list of authors are allowed after the approval of the article for publication.
The editors, without the consent of the author, correct terminological and stylistic errors, eliminate unnecessary illustrations. The editors do not pay royalties. Articles that do not follow the rules are returned to the authors without consideration and only at their request.
Articles are published in Ukrainian or English up to 10 pages (without references), review article – up to 15 pages (without references).
Before publishing the issue of the journal, authors are sent a preliminary pdf version of their article to check compliance and consent for publication.
The editors of the journal also recommend authors to place their already published articles on personal or institutional websites, catalogs, repositories (,, ResearchGate,, Zenodo, mysciencework, Figshare et al). At the same time indicate the correct citation of your article, with a link to the article on the website of the journal "Medicni perspektivi".
The structure of the original articles
Title page:
1) UDC;
2) surname and initials of the author;
3) the title of the article;
4) full name of the institution where the author works;
5) corresponding address of the institution, city, country;
6) e-mail (indicating the author for correspondence and his contact phone number (not for publication));
7) a statement of the authors' contribution to the submitted study using the CrediT taxonomy (if co-authors);
8) ID of the ORCID participant for each author.
The main text of the article:
1) keywords;
2) abstract;
3) introduction;
4) materials and research methods;
5) results and discussion;
6) conclusions (summary);
7) information on sources of research funding;
8) information about conflicts of interest.
Vancouver style references.
Comments on the structure of the original research articles
If there are co-authors, a digital index is placed next to each surname and the relevant institution. If all authors work in one institution, there is no need to indicate the place of work of each author separately.
The title of the article should be concise, informative and consistent with the purpose, content and conclusions, without the use of abbreviations.
Authors' contribution – to indicate the role of authors in the presented study using the CrediT taxonomy, for example: conceptualization, research design, data collection, data analysis, methodology and others. The interpretation of the roles of the authors can be found in more detail at the link: Authors' contribution. If all authors have contributed equally, this should be indicated. Authors who do not meet the authorship criteria should be listed in the acknowledgments with their written permission.
Identifier ID of ORCID for each author: to receive it you need to register on the website, be sure to add at least 2-3 of your own published articles (if any) and further maintain its relevance.
Key words are provided in Ukrainian, Russian and English, 3-8 words according to the MeSH standard, which help to classify the work in search engines.
Abstract – the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal. In view of this, the abstract should be concise and informative and contain: the title of the article and the author's name (s), only the essential facts of the work, purpose, materials and methods, main results and conclusions, not less than 1800 characters. Subchapters do not need to be indicated, without paragraphs, abbreviations and references.
Introduction – a short one, which reveals the current state of the problem, its relevance as a justification for the feasibility of this study (up to one page).
Materials and methods of research. All research methods used in obtaining and analyzing data should be listed, with obligatory references to well-known scientific sources from the list of references (numbering in square brackets). When describing the statistical methods used, the source of the literature and the license number of the statistical program for processing the results should also be indicated. If the methods used are not widely used, it is necessary to describe them in detail and provide the necessary references. Research involving humans or animals must be approved by the relevant supervisory independent bioethics committee of the institution and meet international and national ethical and legal standards of research (Publication ethics).
Results and discussion. The research results should consistently and logically describe the data obtained with an in-depth scientific analysis of expected and unexpected (if any) results, which should be accompanied by evidence - scientific illustrations (tables, diagrams, figures, diagrams, photos, etc.). The content of the tables should not duplicate the content of other illustrations and vice versa. The results obtained should be correlated with the title and purpose of the article, and the conclusions should clearly follow from the research results.
Conclusions. Conclusions (numbered) or the result should cover the data obtained in a concise form, without overloading with digital data, contain the main results that clearly follow from the study. Do not use abbreviations.
Sources of research funding. Authors must indicate the sources of funding: budget funds, charity, private institutions (specify which), own funds.
Conflict of interest information. Authors should disclose potential and current conflicts of interest related to the manuscript. Deliberate non-closure of conflicts is a form of misconduct and may lead to the correction of a publication or even the withdrawal of a published scientific article. If there is no conflict of interest, the authors should declare it.
References are provided in accordance with the requirements of the international bibliographic standard NLM – National Library of Medicine, in the style of Vancouver.
Non-English sources: author (transliteration according to the BGN system), translation of the title of the article into English in square brackets, title of the source (transliteration according to the BGN system), source data, source language.
Golik VA. [Comparative analysis of quality of life assessment of patients with multiple sclerosis and chronic disabling physical illness]. Ukrainsky nevrologіchny Journal. 2010;1:82–87. Russian.
English-language sources are in the Vancouver style (NLM standard).
Barrack RL, Mulroy RD, Harris WH. Improved cementing techniques and femoral component loosening in young patients with hip arthroplasty. J. Bone Joint Surg. 1992;74:385-9. doi:
Online link generators that can help you: RefMe, Citation Machine™
For each literature source from the references: DOI (active link: ...) must be specified or a link to a web-page (http: //…). DOI search form on Crossref: Crossref system, or Link References, or simpleTextQuery must be provided.
On presentation of the article one should use scientific language, the text should be clear, concise, without long introductions and repetitions. Along with the common abbreviations of units, physical, chemical and material quantities and terms, abbreviations of phrases that are often repeated in the text are allowed. All symbols and abbreviations must be deciphered in the text at the first mention. Names of medicines, units of measurement should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI), medical terms – according to anatomical and histological nomenclatures, names of diseases – according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), medicines – according to the International Nonproprietary Names (INN), the names of genes – according to the nomenclature of the Human Gene Organisation. The names of companies and devices must be provided in the original transcription.
Presentation of the article: figures, tables
The article is sent to the editors in paper form (1 copy) with the obligatory attachment of the electronic version (e-mail). Article text – one and a half line spacing, Times New Roman font, font size 14, with margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm, top and bottom 2 cm. Do not use automated features of your software, such as placement of hyphens, endnotes, headers or footers. Pages must be numbered. Drawings or other illustrative material are placed in the text of the article; if they consist of several figures, they must be grouped and with the possibility of correcting the text (if any). If necessary, it is possible to send illustrative material in a separate file in the format: jpg, bmp, tif, ai, eps, ppt and others. Tables, figures, diagrams, etc. should be presented on standard A4 sheets of portrait (vertical) orientation (sometimes, except, landscape orientation for tables is allowed). Tables (in black and white), charts, diagrams and graphs (color is allowed), given in the articles, must be clear and executed using internal tools MS WORD (Microsoft Graph) or MS EXCEL, with high contrast. The name of the tables should indicate statistical indicators, if necessary – notes. Digital photos (preferably color) must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi and at least 150 mm wide). If the article uses previously published images, then you must obtain permission from the owner of the article, which may be the author (s) or publisher.
The electronic version of the article is accepted in the format: doc, docx or rtf. Receipt of the article will be confirmed by an e-mail containing the registration number, which should be used in further correspondence with the editors in the subject of the letter.
All submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism, duplication of publications and reuse of the text by the licensed program StrikePlagiarism.
Dear authors, we expect that your articles will have a high level of novelty without reusing previously published texts!
Payment for publication of an article. Payment is made after a positive review of the articles by the editorial board and permission to print.
Copyright Notice
Submitting manuscript to the journal "Medicni perspektivi" the author(s) agree with transferring copyright from the author(s) to publisher (including photos, figures, tables, etc.) editor, reproducing materials of the manuscript in the journal, Internet, translation into other languages, export and import of the issue with the author’s article, spreading without limitation of their period of validity both on the territory of Ukraine and other countries. This and other mutual duties of the author and all co-authors separately and editorial board are secured by written agreement by special form to use the article, the sample of which is presented on the site.
Author signs a written agreement and sends it to Editorial Board simultaneously with submission of the manuscript.