He lived for the sake of people. To the 180th anniversary of the Ekaterinoslav zemstvo doctor V.T. Skrylnikov (1837-1898) (part 2).


  • Yu. G. Pisarenko




V.T. Skrylnikov, balneology, "Timofeyev clay", "Seasonal Bulletin of Slaviansk mineral water "


The second part of the essay about zemstvo doctor, V.T. Skrylnikov elucidates his fruitful activity in the field of balneology: study and popularization of therapeutic properties of the so-called "Timofeev clay", publication of his "Seasonal Bulletin of Slaviansk mineral water ". We describe recent years of the doctor’s life, complicatedwith the disease and severe family affairs. The grateful memoriesof his fellow doctors about himare listed.

Author Biography

Yu. G. Pisarenko

H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy NAS of Ukraine
Tryokhsviatitelska str., 4, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Pisarenko YG. He lived for the sake of people. To the 180th anniversary of the Ekaterinoslav zemstvo doctor V.T. Skrylnikov (1837-1898) (part 2). Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2017Jun.29 [cited 2025Jan.10];22(2):141-5. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/110284

