Dynamics of morphological and functional parameters of the physical condition of secondary-school age girls with impaired vision under the influence of aerobic exercises in a complex physical rehabilitation.


  • N. V. Maryukhnich
  • V. V. Klapchuk




physical condition, girls, weakening of vision, aerobic exercises, physical rehabilitation


To assess the impact of the rehabilitation complex on the physical condition of schoolchildren, 90 girls of secondary school age with impaired vision were examined. The evaluation of the physical condition was carried out by the express method of G.L.Apanasenko. The results of the initial survey showed that average indicators of physical condition of girls with impaired vision are low. Under the influence of the rehabilitation complex, there were statistically significant positive changes in the indices of the main groups of girls, in addition to this, the total score in all investigated criteria increased. In adolescence, the variability of anthropometric characteristics of the organism changes in close connection with individual motor activities. On this basis aerobic exercises can be recommended in the complex physical rehabilitation of secondary-school age girls with poor vision.

Author Biographies

N. V. Maryukhnich

Zaporizhia national technical university
Department of the special education and rehabilitation
Zhukovsky str., 64, Zaporizhia, 69063,Ukraine

V. V. Klapchuk

Zaporizhia national technical university
Department of the special education and rehabilitation
Zhukovsky str., 64, Zaporizhia, 69063,Ukraine


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How to Cite

Maryukhnich NV, Klapchuk VV. Dynamics of morphological and functional parameters of the physical condition of secondary-school age girls with impaired vision under the influence of aerobic exercises in a complex physical rehabilitation. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2017Oct.12 [cited 2025Feb.16];22(3):99-103. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/111934

