Peculiarities of systemic violations in patients with genital endometriosis in combination with benign diseases of genitalia and syndrome of chronic pelvic pain.


  • L. P. Grek



genital endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, cytokines ІL-10, ІL-6, TNF-α, depression


The aim of the work is determination of intercommunication of cytokines ІL-10, ІL-6 levels, TNF-α with subjective estimation of pain, processes of the nervous system desadaptation in patients with genital endometriosis in combination with benign hormonal pathology of the genitaliafollowed by chronic pelvic pain (CPP). There were 120 women in research divided into several groups, depending on visual analogue scale (VAS) and durations of disease: 1st group (n=44), VAS was 7-10 points; 2-d group (n=41) VAS – 4-6 points; 3-d group (n=35) VAS – 0-3 points. Along with progress of CPP there was marked decline of cytokines ІL-10, and increase of ІL-6, TNF -α comparatively with 3-d group (р<0,05);this correlated with the higher points of intensity of pain syndrome in the 1st group, with pain anamnesis duration and increased level of anxiety and depression. Imbalance of cytokines towards the proinflammatory link in definite clinical provoking factors of pain can be considered as a predictor of CPP.

Author Biography

L. P. Grek

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Faculty of Postgraduate Education
Department of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Grek LP. Peculiarities of systemic violations in patients with genital endometriosis in combination with benign diseases of genitalia and syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2017Dec.6 [cited 2025Mar.23];22(4):62-7. Available from:

