Possible predictors of depressive syndrome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depressive syndrome, clinical symptoms, functional parametersAbstract
Recently, the problem of depressive syndrome in COPD patients often attracts the attention of doctors and scientists. It is important to study the relationship between the presence of the depressive syndrome, on the one hand, and the clinical and functional characteristics of COPD patients on the other, in order to determine the categories of patients inclined to develop a depressive syndrome. The purpose of the study: to determine the relationship between the presence of depressive syndrome in COPD patients with the severity of their clinical symptoms of COPD and the level of functional impairments. 52 COPD patients of clinical groups C and D were examined. Depending on the presence of depressive syndrome patients were divided into two subgroups: a subgroup 1 – 15 COPD patients with concomitant depressive syndrome, a subgroup 2 – 37 people without it. The examination included general clinical and functional methods. It was determined that the development of depressive syndrome in COPD patients can be affected by the high severity of clinical symptoms of COPD in general, decreased tolerance to physical activity, long duration of the disease, poor quality of life. At the same time, the levels of functional indicators, in particular, OFV1 and SpO2, may not have a significant relationship with the occurrence of depressive syndrome, even in patients with severe COPD.
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