The structure of industrially predisposed diseases in workers of the metallurgical enterprise working in harmful conditions.




metallurgical enterprise, industrially determined diseases, medical examinations, working population, rehabilitation


The analysis of the medical examination results with the evaluation of health status was conducted in 783 employees of the metallurgical enterprise in Dnіprо city, The data of 295 women (30,2%) and 548 men (69,8%), (mean age – 52.0±8.1 years, work experience – 12.5±5.7 years) were analyzed. The most common were cardiovascular diseases; upper respiratory disorders, low extremities vessels and musculoskeletal diseases, sensoro-neural, deafness follow. The pathology revealed more often occurs in men of some occupations.

Author Biographies

L. A. Hlyniana

Center for treatment of occupational diseases of the
MІ "Dnipropetrovsk city multiprofile clinical hospital N 4" DRC" 
Blyzhnia str., 31, Dnіprо, 49101, Ukraine

V. V. Rodionova

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine» 
Department of Occupational Diseases and Clinical Immunology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

K. Y. Gashynova

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine» 
Department of Occupational Diseases and Clinical Immunology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

K. O. Tchebanov

Center for treatment of occupational diseases of the
MІ "Dnipropetrovsk city multiprofile clinical hospital N 4" DRC" 
Blyzhnia str., 31, Dnіprо, 49101, Ukraine

N. A. But

Center for treatment of occupational diseases of the
MІ "Dnipropetrovsk city multiprofile clinical hospital N 4" DRC" 
Blyzhnia str., 31, Dnіprо, 49101, Ukraine

E. I. Bila

Main Department of State Labor in Dnipropetrovsk Region
Kazakova str., 3, Dnipro, 49107, Ukraine

T. A. Masurez

Main Department of State Labor in Dnipropetrovsk Region
Kazakova str., 3, Dnipro, 49107, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Hlyniana LA, Rodionova VV, Gashynova KY, Tchebanov KO, But NA, Bila EI, Masurez TA. The structure of industrially predisposed diseases in workers of the metallurgical enterprise working in harmful conditions. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2018Oct.26 [cited 2025Mar.27];23(3(part1):60-4. Available from:

