Occupational morbidity of engineering industry workers in Kharkiv Region in 2012-2016.
occupational morbidity, occupational hazards, record of service, age, engineering industryAbstract
The occupational morbidity in Kharkov region has been researched over the period of 2012-2016. The dynamics of the number of patients with occupational diseases in this region is practically the same as inUkraine. Most of such patients are males. However, the number of females increased over this period. According to the record of work in hazardous working environments, the biggest number of patients is observed among those employees who have worked for 20-29 years, then those who have worked for over 30 years, followed by those who have 10-19 years of work record and finally, with less than 10 years of work record. According to the age, the biggest number of patients is among workers at the age of 50-59. They are followed by those who are in their sixties. The third biggest number is among aged 40-49, the fourth – aged 30-39, and the fifth – aged 20-29. Inthe atructure of occupational pathology (38,67-49,71) of all the occupational diseases accounts for chronic bronchitis, COPD, and pneumoconiosis. The next common disease (29,59-37,33%) is occupational neurosensory hearing loss. It was revealed that 3,37-6,25% of the total number of workers suffer from 4 occupational diseases, 2-3 and 1 occupational diseases were detected in 52,50-72,97% and 21,21-43,82% employees accordingly. The presence of 2-4 occupational diseases points at the combined exposure to hazards of working environment and working process in engineering workers, and inefficient activity of health care institutions that are responsible for periodic medical examinations. The fact that the diseased are mostly people in their fifties and sixties, and those who have a long record of work, indicates to the necessity to implement the time protection technique with a view to reducing the level of occupational morbidity. The highest rate of morbidity was observed inKharkovengineering industry. That is why it is vitally important to provide the enterprises of this industry with State public health monitoring system.
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