Possibilities of pharmacological correction of the artifical bladder contractile activity in experimental conditions in vivo.





neobladder, pharmacological correction, experimental in vivo, new chemical compounds


The aim of this work was to study the possibility of pharmacological correction of the neobladder contractile activity of mini-pigs under the influence of new chemical compounds, m-anticholinergic (solifenacin), selective beta-2 sympathomimetic (ginipral (hexoprenaline)) in vivo. Neobladder, formed from the distal section of ileum, pre-denervated along the anti-mesenteric margin, retains peristalsis, and  given the sharp thickening of the muscle layer, capable to contractile reactions and tone support. New chemical compounds pyrrole-2-carbaldehyde 2- hydroxybenzoylhydrazone (PChBh) and isatin benzoylhydrazone (IBh) demonstrated spasmodic properties directed at smooth muscle in vivo. Compound PChBh (I) showed more pronounced relaxing properties compared to compound IBh (II), reducing basal pressure against KCl by 40.91%, contraction amplitude by 30.63%, contraction rate by 25.49%. Solifenacin, being an m-anticholinergic antagonist, most clearly demonstrated antispasmodic properties in vivo, reducing hypertonicity by 55.23%, amplitude – by 49.31%, frequency of contractions in 10 minutes – by 57.40%, duration of contractions – by 18.18%. Selective beta-2-sympathomimetic hexoprenaline, previously used to relieve hypertonicity of a pregnant uterus actively affects intestinal motility. Hexoprenaline inhibited bladder overactivity with KCl, decreasing basal pressure by 58.75%, the amplitude of the contractions – by 39.62%, frequency rate – by 57.49%, reductions in the duration – by 54.55%. Preparations from the group of m-anticholinergics and selective beta-2-sympathomimetics showed a pronounced antispasmodic effect in experiment in vivo and can be used to correct incontinence in patients after orthotopic bladder repair. The new chemical compounds pyrrole-2-carbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone (PChBh) and isatin benzoylhydrazone (IBh) demonstrated antispasmodic properties in the experiment in vitro, and confirmed an antispasmodic effect in the experiment in vivo, promising further research, determining safety and efficacy.

Author Biographies

R. V. Savchuk

Odessa National Medical University

F. I. Kostyev

Odessa National Medical University

N. V. Shmatkova

Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University 2
Valikhovsky Lane, 2, Odessa, 65028, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Savchuk RV, Kostyev FI, Shmatkova NV. Possibilities of pharmacological correction of the artifical bladder contractile activity in experimental conditions in vivo. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2019Dec.26 [cited 2025Mar.27];24(4):19-24. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/189182

