Results of treatment of patients with combined atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral and coronary arteries who underwent carotid endarterectomy at different terms before aortic-coronary bypass surgery.




combined atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral and coronary arteries, carotid endarterectomy


The quality of life of patients after surgical interventions in those of with combined atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral and coronary arteries remains a topical issue of modern medicine. The purpose of the study: to analyze the results of treatment of patients with combined atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral and coronary arteries in the temporal aspect, who underwent carotid endarterectomy as the first stage of treatment. The results of treatment of 112 patients were analyzed. All patients underwent simultaneous cerebral and coronary angiography. After the operation, if new neurological symptoms appeared or a cardiological pathology progressed, the angiographic study was performed again, and the results of this study were used to decide on further tactics. Treatment results were evaluated 30 days, 5 and 10 years after ACBS. With the revealed indications for ACBS, hemodynamically significant stenoses of the operated carotid artery were found in 10.7% of patients. Stenoses of other cerebral vessels that required surgical correction (opposite ICA, VA) in 7.1%. These patients had cerebral artery stenting before ACBS. In 9.8% of patients, indications were found for stenting of cerebral and coronary arteries, which were performed in one session. In 5.4%, only coronary artery stenting was performed. In the remaining 75 patients without indicated surgical correction of cerebral arteries ACBS was performed. So, in 3-5 years after CEE, ACBS was performed in 35 patients, later than in 5 years – in 40 patients. In the postoperative period, ACBS TIA was registered only in 4%, ischemic stroke – in 5.3%. The total lethality rate is 4%. The 10-year survival rate after myocardial revascularization was 46% [CI 95% 58%; 34%]. the most intensive decrease in survival function was registered during the first 5 years of follow-up (5-year survival rate 60% [71%; 48%]. Carotid endarterectomy is an effective method of treating atherosclerotic stenosis of the ICA and a method of preventing neurological complications in patients with combined atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral and coronary arteries with the progression of cardiac pathology.

Author Biographies

S. P. Grigoruk

Dnipropetrovsk regional clinical hospital n.a. I.I. Mechnikov 1
Soborna sq., 14, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine

M. O. Zorin

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine» 2
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

S. O. Dudukina

Dnipropetrovsk regional clinical hospital n.a. I.I. Mechnikov 1
Soborna sq., 14, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Grigoruk SP, Zorin MO, Dudukina SO. Results of treatment of patients with combined atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral and coronary arteries who underwent carotid endarterectomy at different terms before aortic-coronary bypass surgery. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2020Jul.1 [cited 2025Mar.7];25(2):86-92. Available from:

