Effectiveness of preeclampsia prognosis in pregnancy.


  • T. O. Loskutova




pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, gene polymorphism, hemostasis, antiphospholipid antibodies, prognosis, probability, risk group


With the purpose to develop and assess the effectiveness of prediction method of pre-eclampsia (PE) 177 women in III trimester of pregnancy were examined. Of them: 133 women with preeclampsia of varying severity, 44 - with uncomplicated pregnancy. Prediction method is based on testing of thrombophilia genes, level of antibodies to β2 glycoprotein-1, D-dimer, value of atherogenicity coefficient. Using maximum likelihood method risk function was designed and formula which allows to estimatie probability of pre-eclampsia development was made. For practical applications, a graphical representation of likelihood of pre-eclampsia development from the calculated risk function is given. The sensitivity of the proposed model is 82,5% (95% CI 74,2-88,9%), specificity – 90,9% (95% CI 78,3-88,9%). To evaluate the effectiveness this prediction method was tested on a group of 108 pregnant women who were tested in the first trimester. 84 pregnant women were in the group with the predicted low risk (P(y)<0,683) and 24 in the group with a predicted high risk (P (y)≥0,683) of pre-eclampsia development. Analyzing the effectiveness of a prediction method it was proved that in the group with predicted high risk of PE absolute risk of preeclampsia increased by 54.7% (95% CI 50,3-59,08), PE of mild severity – by 21,34% (95% CI 16,75-25,92), PE of moderate severity – by 33,33% (95% CI 28,7-37,9), preterm delivery – by 30,86% (95% CI 41,8-50,57), cesarean section in preterm labor and placenta abruption – by 9,5% (95% CI 4,8-14,2 ), fetal distress during labor – by 14,3% (95% CI 9,6-18,97), perinatal losses by 14.2% (95% CI 9,6-18,97), fetal growth retardation – by 42,9% (95% CI 38,3-47,4), the need for neonatal intensive care – by 26,1% (95% CI 21,5-30,6). Practical use of the proposed model allows to identify pregnant women with high risk of pre-eclampsia, to conduct preventive measures, to review plan of prenatal care as for timely hospitalization and to determine fetus state.

Author Biography

T. O. Loskutova

SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine"
obstetrics and gynecology department
Dzerzhinsky str., 9, Dnipropetrovsk, 49044, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Loskutova TO. Effectiveness of preeclampsia prognosis in pregnancy. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2014Mar.24 [cited 2024Apr.26];19(1):101-6. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/24703

