Effect of orthokeratologic lenses of individual design on visual functions in premature babies with myopia in school age





customized orthokeratological lenses, myopia, prematurely babies, school-age children


The study included 62 children aged 6 to 14 years with mild to moderate myopia, born at 28-34 weeks of gestation with a birth weight of 970 to 2200 g. Selection criteria: corneal refractive power >46.00 D, no keratoconus or macular degeneration. The main group – 32 children (64 eyes), who were assigned orthokeratologic lenses, the control group – 30 children (60 eyes) – glasses users. Differences between the groups were not significant. Observation period was 3 years. There were no complications. Corrected visual acuity in the main group increased from 0.63±0.08 to 0.98±0.06, in the control – from 0.61±0.05 to 0.73±0.05; p<0.005. Stable restoration of binocular vision was observed in all children of the study group and 83% of children in the control one. Reserves of absolute accommodation in the main group during the observation period increased by 6.7±0.38 D, and in the control group – by 2.3±0.42 D (p<0.001), which is explained by the active use of accommodation by children of the main group. After 3 years of observation in the main group, the anteroposterior size of the eyeball, according to echobiometry data, almost did not change (from 22.32±0.9 to 24.02±1.1 mm, p>0.2), and in the control group, the eye elongation was more pronounced: from 22.45±0.8 to 25.94±0.9 mm (p<0.01). Complete stabilization of myopia was observed in 30 children (93.75%) of the study group. Orthokeratological lenses MoonLens can be used in patients with high corneal curvature; their use in prematurely babies with a high refractive power of the cornea (>46.0 D) allowed to obtain better results of the treatment.


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How to Cite

Serdiuk V, Ustymenko S, Klopotska N, Tikhomirova V. Effect of orthokeratologic lenses of individual design on visual functions in premature babies with myopia in school age. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2022Sep.30 [cited 2025Jan.2];27(3):103-8. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/265952

