Evaluation of metabolic disorders and aging rates depending on SIRT1 polymorphism in patients with arterial hypertension and subclinical hypothyroidism





arterial hypertension, subclinical hypothyroidism, aging, metabolic diseases, SIRT1


There is an increase in the frequency and severity of metabolic disorders in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) in combination with subclinical hypothyroidism (SH), that is accompanied by accelerated aging rates, but the research findings on the aging rates in this category of patients are extremely few in number. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess metabolic disorders and the aging rates depending on the SIRT1 rs7069102 polymorphism in patients with AH and SH. A total of 132 patients with a median age of 47.6 years were included in the study and divided into 3 groups: a control group (n=30), a group of patients with AH without SH (n=49) and patients with AH in combination with SH (n=53). Anthropometric parameters, biochemical parameters, pro-inflammatory and oxidative states were evaluated in all pa­tients. The aging rates were assessed using two different methods. The frequencies of SIRT1 rs7069102 genotypes carriers in the study sample of patients were 8% for the CC genotype, 51% for the CG genotype and 41% for the GG genotype. There was a significant difference in the incidence of CC homozygosity and carriers of the G allele between groups of patients with AH depending on the SH presence (p<0.001). We showed that carriers of the G allele and GG genotype of the SIRT1 gene (rs7069102) polymorphic marker with AH and SH had significantly higher (p<0.05) insulin resistance, higher levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, C-reactive protein and lower glomerular filtration rate, which negatively affected the aging processes in this category of patients. In addition, patients with AH had a marked effect of carrying the G allele on the lipid profile and biological age of patients. Therefore, timely detection of a polymorphic variant of the SIRT1 gene may be effective in premature aging prevention in patients with AH and SH.


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How to Cite

Radchenko A, Kolesnikova O. Evaluation of metabolic disorders and aging rates depending on SIRT1 polymorphism in patients with arterial hypertension and subclinical hypothyroidism. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2022Dec.29 [cited 2025Mar.27];27(4):95-9. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/271180

