Significance of Pirogov`s scientific ideas for modern organization of Public Health.
N.I. Pirogov, administration, Public Health Organization, prophylaxis, statisticsAbstract
This article is about Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov, a surgeon and anatomist, prominent scientist and educator, founder of field surgery. He was the first to learn field surgery and military administration in practice. He was the first to use famous triage (the wounded were sorted according to the severity of injuries). N.I.Pirogov considered that well organized triage at dressing stations and temporary military hospitals is the main tool to provide proper care and to prevent harmful consequences. He organized training of medical nurses to help the wounded. He also published the work on the problems of pedagogy in which he proposed reforms of education system. The authors of the article have analyzed N.I.Pirogov`s works and showed their significance for modern social medicine and organization of Public Health.References
Pirogov NY. [Foundations of General Military Field Surgery]. P.1. L.: Medgiz, 1941;338. Russian. 2. Pirogov NY. [Foundations of General Military Field Surgery]. P.2. L.: Medgiz, 1941;572. Russian. 3. Pirogov NY. [Report about Caucasus journey]. M. Gos. Izd., 1952;358. Russian. 4. Pirogov NY. [Sevastopol letters and tales]. M.: Izd. AN USSR, 1950;650. Russian. 5. Pirоgov NY. [Composition]. P. 2. K.: Izd. Piro¬gov`s society, 1910;682. Russian.
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