Peculiarities of cardiac performance in children with bronchial asthma against chronic tonsillitis.
children, cardio-vascular system, bronchial asthma, chronic tonsilitisAbstract
Acomparativeassessmentofcardiacperformancebythedataofclinical-instrumentalexaminationof 50 patientsaged 5-15 yearswithpersistingformofpartially-controlledatopicbronchialasthmain the period between the attacks of the disease was made. Children were divided into two groups depending on presence of concomitant chronic tonsillitis (18 patients)or absence of the latter (32 patients). Inallcasesbythedataofspirographyinchildrenagainstchronictonsillitisintheperiodbetweentheattacksofthediseasetherewererevealedventillationdisordersinthelungsbyobstructiontype, thispromotedelevationofpressureinthepulmonaryartery.Only in this group of patients in 27,8% of cases pulmonary arterial hypertension of moderate severity was revealed. Byechocardiographydatainchildrenwithasthmaagainstchronictonsillitisreliablymoreoften(р<0,01) therewasrevealeddecreaseofcontractilefunctionofmyocardiumoftheleftcardiacventricle; thiswascausedbythepresenceofmetabolicdisturbancesinthemyocardiuminthemajorityofcases(83,3%). These changes were registered on the electrocardiogram in the form of repolarisation changes of the ventricular complex.Presenceofconcomitantchronictonsillitisinchildrenwithbronchialasthmafavoredformationofpulmonaryhypertensionontheonesideandworseningofcontractileabilityofmyocardiumoftheleftcardiacventricleontheotherside;thisrequiredperformingtherapeutic-preventive measures for sanation of chronic infectious focus in the nasopharynx to prevent formation of chronic cardiac insufficiency during asthma course.
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