Gender peculiarities of cardiac performance in children with bronchial asthma.
children, cardio-vascular system, gender differences, bronchial asthmaAbstract
By the data of clinical-instrumental examination there was performed comparative assessment of gender differences in cardiac performance of 54 patients aged 5-15 years with persisting form of partially controlled atopic bronchial asthma in inter-attack period of disease. Children were divided in two groups depending on gender - 28 boys and 26 girls. Group of comparison included 52 healthy children - 26 girls and 26 boys. Inthegirlsinthe inter-attackperiodofasthmareliablymoreoftenthanintheboystherewererevealedventilationdisturbanceinthelungsbyobstructivetype; thispromotedriseofpressureinthepulmonary artery. Herewith only in girls in 15,4% of cases there was revealed arterial pulmonary hypertension of a mild form. By the data of echocardiography in girls with bronchial asthma as compared with boys more expressed dilatation both of the right and left ventricles of the heart was observed.Average means of left ventricle contractility both in girls and boys in the inter-attack period of bronchial asthma were reliably decreased (р<0,01) as compared with healthy children, but in girl-patients as compared with boys these deviations were more significant. In the majority of such cases (in girls – 73,9%, in boys – 53,8%) decrease of contractile myocardium function was caused by presence of metabolic disorders in the form of repolarization changes of ventricular complex ob electrocardiogram. Investigations performed showed presence of some gender differences in cardiac performance in bronchial asthma children which should be considered in the course of treatment.
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