Investigation of the response surface describing the mathematical model of the effects of the Al/Mg rate and temperature on the Al-Mg alloy castability
ridge analysis, suboptimal values, low-pressure casting, Al-Mg alloy, castability, response surfaceAbstract
Ridge analysis is used to investigate the response surface describing the mathematical model of the influence of the Al / Mg ratio and temperature on the Al-Mg alloy castability during the low-pressure casting. It is shown that the suboptimal values of the technological regimes ensuring the maximum castability values of the Al-Mg alloy can be determined taking into account the limitations imposed on the technological process on the basis of a mathematical model constructed by implementing a second order central orthogonal composite design (COCD)
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Copyright (c) 2017 Olga Chibichik, Konstantin Sil’chenko, Dmytro Zemliachenko, Ivan Korchaka

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