Automatic determination of a speaker’s gender based on the Cauchy distribution in the octave frequency band




Cauchy distribution, formant frequencies, antiformant frequencies, moment functions, gender recognition


Algorithms for recognition of a speaker’s gender based on the use of the Cauchy distribution in the octave frequency band with a geometric mean frequency of 125 Hz are obtained. Classifiers based on the maximum logarithm of the likelihood function are constructed. The algorithm for determining the speaker’s gender is considered, where not only the logarithm of the Cauchy distribution in the octave frequency band is taken into account, but also estimates of the average value of the formant frequencies and the antiformant frequencies. Studies of the probability of correct recognition of the speaker's gender determination algorithms are carried out

Author Biography

Sergey Omelchenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Nauky ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Information and Network Engineering


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Technical Sciences