The theoretical basis of state control mechanisms by national oil and gas transport systems


  • Ірина Миколаївна Ісаєва United Nations Development Programme Global Environment Facility Transforming the Market for Efficient Lighting Uryzkogo Str., 35, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03035, Ukraine



economic globalization, European integration, oil and gas transport system, transnational business entities, cross-functional business process


The information materials and state control experience in oil and gas pipeline transport systems were analyzed in the context of globalization and European integration. The theoretical basis for organization the effective functioning of national oil and gas transport systems were developed. Elementary business process was interpreted as a typical section of cross-functional coherence. Dimensional model the pareto-optimal point searching of the economically efficient market interaction between participants of the business process was constructed. The scheme of multilateral international private partnership was developed.

Author Biography

Ірина Миколаївна Ісаєва, United Nations Development Programme Global Environment Facility Transforming the Market for Efficient Lighting Uryzkogo Str., 35, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03035

Expert on the Incandescent «Phase-out» Program


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